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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceTo register a financial company in Ukraine: requirements for the site

To register a financial company in Ukraine: requirements for the site

Views: 2190

Our company helps those wishing to register a financial company in Ukraine, to obtain the appropriate permits and successfully conduct business in Ukraine.

Today we will talk about such a mandatory component of the process of opening a financial institution as the registration of the company's website.

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Why do I need a financial company's website and what are the basic requirements for it?

The presence of a financial company's own website is a prerequisite for its activities. Moreover, the licensing body requires not only its presence, but also has specific requirements for the content of the site.

If the licensing body finds your site not meeting the requirements of the license terms - you will not be able to get a license for the type of activity that interests you.

As for the general requirements for the financial company website, it should contain the following information:

  • financial services company name, location;
  • list of services that the company provides;
  • number of participants in the financial institution, their participation in the company's activities, etc.;
  • permits and licences on the basis of which the institution carries out its activities;
  • other information required by financial law.

It should be remembered that in addition to the above information, the company should always be ready to provide the Client, at his request, with the following information:

  • list of all managers of the company;
  • list of all services provided by the financial institution;
  • rates and prices;
  • other information in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.

Also, the site should indicate the mode of operation of the company.

Special requirements for the financial company website 

There are also special requirements for information on the website of the company. They depend on the type of particular financial company.

For example, the administrator of a non-governmental pension fund is required to publish information on the net asset value of the fund and other related information on a daily basis.

If you want to know what information must be on the website of your company - write to us.

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How should the website of a financial company be designed?

Of course, there are also requirements for the external design of the site. Among them:

  • requirement to specify all information in Ukrainian. But it is also allowed to use any other language in parallel.;
  • requirement for continuous access to information;
  • information update;
  • convenient search on the site, etc.

If you want to open a financial company in Ukraine, we can help you at any stage of its registration, including the design of a site that meets all the requirements of the law.

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