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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceHow to open a bank account for a foreigner in Ukraine?

How to open a bank account for a foreigner in Ukraine?

Views: 2329

You may need to open an account in a Ukrainian bank, for example, if you want to buy real estate in Ukraine, open your business in its territory or conduct money transactions here with convenience. 

We provide opening a bank account as a separate service and we help our clients if a bank account is a necessary condition to achieve their goal in Ukraine - for example, to get their own business, new apartment, etc.

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Algorithm for opening a bank account

It would seem - what's so hard? Choose a bank in Ukraine and open an account. But even with the choice of banks you may encounter a problem. The thing is that the banking system in Ukraine is developed and digitalized, and there are a huge number of types of banks. We will advise the one that will have the type of accounts you need, will be able to work with foreign funds transfers, and will not have reputational problems. 

The second thing to remember is that when you apply to the bank you have to specify and know exactly what type of account you need: a card account for transactions, or an investment account for transferring funds for the apartment? 

We will analyze your request in advance and describe the procedure for obtaining the desired one, including the entire procedure for opening an account in the bank.

Any type of account can be opened both in national and foreign currency of Ukraine.

Related article: How to arrange a residence permit for the whole family in Ukraine?

What kind of documents will it take?

You'll need the following documents: 

  • passport;

Important! If you are at the time of account opening in Ukraine, your stay must be legal. 

  • information about the place of residence / stay of a foreigner in Ukraine; 

Such a document may not be necessary, if you specify all the nuances with the bank employees in advance. 

  • proof of solvency;

  • Ukrainian translation of the passport;

This is an optional requirement, we always recommend having your passport transferred before you open an account. By taking this simple step, further complications can be avoided. 

If you need help with which bank to contact without any of these documents - contact us, we can advise and help you in this matter.

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