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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceHow to extend a residence permit in Ukraine during the war in 2022?

How to extend a residence permit in Ukraine during the war in 2022?

Views: 915

A large number of foreigners from different countries of Europe and the world live in Ukraine. Depending on the grounds for legalization in Ukraine, some of them stay in the territory with a temporary or permanent residence permit.

The problem with such residence permits is that they need to be prolonged in due time - the procedure takes about a month, it is necessary to submit documents in time, otherwise the residence permit will be lost.

This is the risk faced by many foreigners who have tied their lives to Ukraine for the time being. With Russia's attack on Ukraine, the procedure for extending a residence permit or permanent residence permit has become a huge problem for many - not all migration service agencies work, etc.

We continue to provide help from a migration lawyer in Ukraine and during the war. Today we will tell you more about whether you need to extend your residence permit in Ukraine during the war.

Related article: Temporary residence permit in Ukraine: benefits

Situation with the extension of the residence permit in Ukraine for autumn 2022

Despite the fact that in the first months of the war the extension of the residence permit was not possible due to the elementary closed offices of the AMF, today, for the autumn of 2022, this procedure is already carried out in Ukraine.

Apply to the nearest subdivision of the SMS, the Center for Administrative Services or SE "Passport Service", which performs reception, regardless of the place of registration or temporary residence of a foreigner.

Important: You should submit documents for a visa not later than 15 working days before the end of your stay in Ukraine. 

There are, however, exceptions - we all understand that if the expiration date of the document falls in the first months of the war - then the question of the extension can be tried even if the deadline is missed. But everything is individual, and requires analysis by a lawyer.

Also, if we are talking about permanent residence in Ukraine, if the exchange of the document is not associated with the end of his term, but because you have changed personal information, such as last name, then the exchange is allocated 1 month from the date of data change.

If you missed the deadline, you would have to pay a fine - from 1700 UAH to 5100 UAH. But the most unpleasant thing is that you may have to leave Ukraine and start the procedure for obtaining a residence permit again.

Our team will review your case and organize the entire renewal/exchange of residency for you. We will be able to tell you right away whether you will need to leave, re-issue a visa to enter Ukraine, etc.

Related article: Getting a residence permit in Ukraine through the registration of a company

Special cases of the need to exchange a residence permit in Ukraine

Sometimes the need to exchange the residence permit is not due to the expiration of its validity, but to other factors. For example, you received a residence permit in Ukraine on the basis of marriage with a citizen of Ukraine. And now your marriage is over, the divorce procedure is over - what will happen to the residence permit?

Here it is important to note immediately - if it is a question of divorce, but you have a permanent residence permit - you will be able to continue to reside in the territory of Ukraine, until the end of the period of validity of the permit. If it is a temporary residence permit - its basis will be considered lost, and thus you will need to leave Ukraine.

The only option for staying in Ukraine is not to drag and find other grounds for residence in Ukraine - to exchange your residence permit for another one, with new grounds. Maybe during the period of your stay in Ukraine you got a job? Started your own business?

We will review your situation and advise the best option for further residence in Ukraine.


  • It is possible to apply for a visa and receive a ready document only in person.

  • Documents for registration and exchange of the permit are accepted on the territory of Ukraine at the place of residence. It is not possible to do it through the consulate.

If you need help in Ukraine with the extension of a residence permit - contact us!

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