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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceBroker and lawyer services to support the import of goods into Ukraine in 2022

Broker and lawyer services to support the import of goods into Ukraine in 2022

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Importing goods into Ukraine is a whole process that must be correctly organised and controlled at each of its stages. The standard algorithm for importing goods into Ukraine consists of the following steps:

  • Conclusion of a contract for the purchase of goods;

  • Preparation of the necessary documents for the export of goods;

  • Solving logistics and transportation issues;

  • Ensuring the necessary permits for the carrier and the correctness of his border crossing;

  • Ensuring adequate customs clearance without negative consequences, but with optimised taxes and without unnecessary payments.

The list of steps may differ depending on the specific product you plan to import. For example, importing refrigerators or heat pumps may require an additional licence to import ozone-depleting substances.

The most common problems an importer may face are:

  • Lack of contact with the driver, hence possible disruptions in delivery times and difficulties in getting through customs;

  • Finding a broker who will not mislead and will clear the goods on time and at the correct customs rates;

  • Passing customs in Ukraine, in case the goods come in batches, you are importing equipment or, for example, chemicals. 

Our company offers comprehensive support services for the import process into Ukraine. This includes brokerage services as well as support for stages such as contracting and customs clearance. Read more about the examples.

Related article: Export of goods from Ukraine in 2022: what documents are needed?

How to organize the import of chemicals into Ukraine?

A common case where we are called upon to provide import support is the import of 'chemicals', essentially various chemical compositions, including household chemicals. This type of goods is distinguished by the fact that great attention is paid to chemical composition of the product, and its components, even small quantities, may require additional permits for importation. In Ukraine there is a large number of chemical substances and compounds that require special treatment during import. It is important to understand when it is necessary and when there will be no questions about your goods.

You need to start with the correct coding of goods - do not blindly use the documents provided to you by the supplier. When determining the commodity code in Ukraine, you should use the Rules of Interpretation adopted specifically for the coding of goods. To determine the correct commodity code it is necessary to clearly understand the function of the goods and their chemical composition.

Depending on the composition you may need in addition: 

  • a sanitary certificate;

  • an environmental inspection;

  • licence for the import of ozone-depleting substances.

There are always some 'loopholes' that help to simplify the import procedure somewhat. For example, if the product code requires a licence, but your goods are not contained in aerosol packaging and do not contain ozone-depleting substances, there is no need to obtain a licence. An experienced broker will be able to clear such imported goods without any problems at all and within the limits of the law.

For example, according to the commodity code, shampoo requires an import licence for ozone-depleting substances, but there is a very small chance that the shampoo actually contains substances that would deplete the ozone layer, so in practice you can import shampoo without such a licence.

Our company offers the services of an experienced customs broker and lawyer to accompany the entire process of importing goods into Ukraine.

We are always in touch with the Client, which means that you will be aware of the stage the goods are at and where they are physically located. As a result you get the goods cleared in Ukraine, to your advantage. 

Views: 614