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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceRelocation of IT specialists to Ukraine in 2022

Relocation of IT specialists to Ukraine in 2022

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Today, an IT specialist who works on a contract or contract basis is not tied to the place of residence. Most large foreign and Ukrainian companies, among others, work through a system of remoting - remoting.

This means that the IT specialist can choose any country to live in as an entrepreneur, focusing on his personal preferences, the profitability for him of the taxation and the cost of living.

In this regard, Ukraine is a favorable point of stay, because IT activities can be taxed at only 5%. This is the reason why entire companies start planning to relocate their IT projects or departments to Ukraine.

We will talk about important moments of IT specialists' relocation to Ukraine, which will help to make the procedure of foreign workers' relocation without complications.

If you have any more questions or want to get involved in business relocation to Ukraine - contact us.

Related article: Grounds for getting a Residence Permit in Ukraine

How to relocate your IT team to Ukraine?

There can be several options. One possible option is through employment. But in this case you need to understand that for your employees you need to find or create jobs in Ukraine.

This variant of relocation gives the opportunity to each employee:

An additional advantage is that on the basis of employment in Ukraine may move the family of the worker (having received a view of family reunion). 

Briefly about how our lawyers ensure the redeployment of the entire company (business) to Ukraine.

Step 1: Company registration in Ukraine.

So, since we need to create jobs, you should start with the registration of a company that can hire all your employees. In Ukraine, it is most convenient to do this through the registration of LLC - with proper preparation such a process will take only 5-7 days. During this period it is not necessary to be in Ukraine yet - that is, you can register a company in advance, having prepared the springboard.

Important! Of course, it will only be your company - registered to an individual or to your foreign company. And you will need the levers to manage it. The simplest option is when the owner of the company becomes its director. But this is impossible in the situation when the owner is a foreigner.

That is possible, but with additional steps. At the first stage for the registration itself, you will need a trusted person - a citizen of Ukraine. And already after the registration procedure, it will be possible to obtain the appropriate permission and to change the director to a foreigner director. We’ve already covered this procedure in detail here.

Step 2: Obtaining employment permits for the company director and all employees.

Terms: 5-7 working days.

At this stage, you can still stay outside of Ukraine, preparing to move your team. All permits can be done remotely, with power of attorney from our lawyers.

IT-specialists can get a permit for up to three years (with the possibility of its extension) and without any limitations in the amount of wages.

Interesting: The work permit in Ukraine was cancelled: what should the employer do?

Step 3: Receiving tax numbers, signing employment contracts with employees.

For this step, the foreigner must already enter the territory of Ukraine. Our lawyers accompany all specialists to the tax office to obtain a personal tax number.

After receiving the TIN, it is necessary to conclude an employment contract with an employer who has received a permit to employ a foreigner. Such a contract should be concluded within 90 days from the date of obtaining a work permit, and therefore it is important not to delay the procedure, because the permit will have to be obtained again. Our lawyers will develop an algorithm of actions for you and make sure that all procedures are carried out on time.

Step 4: Registration of legal stay of a foreigner in Ukraine.

Having a work permit on hand, a foreigner has an opportunity to issue a residence permit - a document that will allow him or her to stay in Ukraine without having to leave.

Before this stage it is necessary to prepare a plan of entry of a foreigner into Ukraine. As a general rule, the foreigner should contact the Ukrainian consulate in a foreign country and apply for a visa type "D" for long-term entry (which is issued on the basis of the same work permit). 

After submitting the required package of documents, within 30 days after receiving the visa, the foreigner should register his place of residence in the country.

There are also other ways to relocate employees to Ukraine, for example, through the opening of the Sole proprietorship (FOP) for foreigners in Ukraine and the organization of its activities on the simplified system of taxation (ie, payment of taxes in the amount of 5% of income and about 32 euros of social contributions).

Attention! Obtaining the status of Sole proprietorship is not the basis for legal stay in Ukraine, and therefore such an employee can not stay in Ukraine for more than 90 days during the six-month period.

Our company has a wide experience in organization of employees' relocations in various spheres of activity, and can choose a convenient option, taking into account the wishes of our Clients. We can combine these options to get all the best advantages of each of them.

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