Get permanent residence in Ukraine

What we do

  • analyze the chances of a foreign citizen to obtain a permanent residence permit in Ukraine;

  • analyze the available documents and help with obtaining the missing ones for obtaining permanent residence;

  • organize the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine, accompany a foreigner to the migration control authorities, prepare for an interview;

  • arrange permanent residence for IT specialists in Ukraine;

  • help with obtaining insurance and registering a place of residence in Ukraine, if necessary.

Permanent residence permit
from 1000 USD

What is a permanent residence permit and how does it differ for a foreigner?

Permanent residence permit is a special residence permit in Ukraine, which differs in its validity period and greater difficulty in obtaining it, if compared to the residence permit.

As for the duration - it's not quite permanent, that is issued not forever - but you can not bother to reapply for about 10 years. 

But to get a permanent residence permit will not work or open a firm in Ukraine. You will need more serious reasons, such as marriage to a Ukrainian, which has lasted more than two years, or the presence in Ukraine of close relatives who already have a permanent residence permit. There are also special categories of professions, which provide for the possibility of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine, for example, in the IT sector.

Another difference is the timing of obtaining a residence permit. For a permanent residence permit it is almost a year of waiting. In addition to the permit itself, you will need to first obtain a permit to immigrate to Ukraine.

Important! You must apply for a permanent residence permit status in person - no one can do it for you.

Of course, this type of permit will give you benefits, the simplest - no need to collect the documents every year. The best one - opportunity to apply for citizenship one day.


  • plus

    Communication comfort

    Our company specializes in assistance in solving legal problems for foreigners in Ukraine. A foreign specialist will contact you and keep you informed about the progress of your case at all times.
  • plus

    All in one place

    Our company is an opportunity for you not only to obtain a permanent residence permit in Ukraine, but also to solve other problems without being scattered among many intermediaries. For example, it is safe to buy real estate, open a business in Ukraine or obtain permits for your activities.
  • plus

    We are responsible for the process

    Having an impressive experience with the migration authorities in Ukraine, we take upon ourselves the organization of the whole process, control over the timing and correctness of the procedure. You will only have to wait for a successful result.


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Documents for permanent residence permit in Ukraine

  • Passport
  • Permission to immigrate
  • Insurance

The requirements for a foreigner to obtain a permanent residence permit in Ukraine

The main requirement to apply for the card is the availability of suitable grounds. Of the basic, which are most common:

  • investments in economy of Ukraine (amount of investments - 100000 hryvnias), such investments more often occur in own business in Ukraine that allows to develop it more actively and to receive a profit from the own investments;

  • a profession or merits that are especially interesting to Ukraine as a state, for instance IT specialization and a possibility to work by it in Ukraine;

  • close relatives in Ukraine, who have a permanent residence permit or citizenship of Ukraine. This also applies to wife/husband if your marriage is more than two years old;

  • residence in Ukraine for more than three years with refugee status, etc. 

In addition to the availability of grounds, you need to clearly adhere to the stages and conditions of the procedure. For example, obtain health insurance, obtain a permit for immigration in Ukraine. We are taking up all those preparations for you.

In addition, a foreigner must provide only truthful and complete information about himself. Can not count on getting a permanent residence permit for a person who is accused of committing a crime in Ukraine.

If we are talking about an IT specialists, the following is also important:

  • meeting the mandatory qualification requirement: 3 or more years of industry/position related experience;

  • meeting one of the qualification requirements: a verified previous year's income of the equivalent of ,000 or more; a certificate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in a relevant field; or an advanced degree in one of the technical fields of study.

There are some benefits for the IT specialists in terms of residence permit in Ukraine. Starting with the convenient tax system and to special card obtainment procedure we will be taking up.


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Important to know

Permit to immigrate to Ukraine as a stage of registration of permanent residence permit in Ukraine

This permit is your opportunity to stay in Ukraine while waiting for a permanent residence permit. Moreover, it is a mandatory stage of the procedure, which demonstrates that you have a chance to get a permanent residence permit in Ukraine.

The list of documents will differ depending grounds on which you are planning to obtain a permanent residence permit status. For example, you have relatives in Ukraine who have already received a permanent residence permit, then you will need to submit:

  • confirmation of family relations with a citizen of Ukraine (certificates of birth, name change, marriage, etc.);

  • confirmation of Ukrainian citizenship of one of the spouses, child or parent.

  • information on criminal record in the country of previous residence;

  • medical certificates;

  • documents for permanent residence of the relative in Ukraine;

  • document of payment for administrative services.

When submitting documents it is important not to violate the terms of stay in Ukraine - for many countries it is 90 days after 90 days. Also need to mention that in Ukraine permanent residence by investment is possible, but a rather complicated procedure. The best way to get your residence card is to take into consideration all possible grounds you may have and choose the best one to apply for.

If you want to get a permanent residence permit in Ukraine easily and safely - contact us!


Is there an express procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine?
No. But the timing of the entire procedure may differ depending on the basis on which you get a permanent residence permit. For example, the least time you will have to wait for a permanent residence permit for IT specialists - foreigners or those who receive a permanent residence permit on a territorial basis - through close relatives.
If you need proof of seniority for an IT specialist - how do you confirm it?
Any evidence of IT specialist work - correspondence, contracts, etc. will do.


Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner

Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner