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Company incorporation in Ukraine with a nominal director

Views: 1341

Getting a residence permit through the opening of the company in Ukraine - one of the standard and best ways to get a residence permit for those who have no other grounds for legal stay in Ukraine.

Moreover, such a company can be used as a start of business here in Ukraine.

The main problem in this process is that at first, before obtaining a foreigner's RNT, one will have to use the services of a "nominal" director. Why this is necessary and how it works, we will tell in our material.

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Why do foreigners need a nominee director when opening a company in Ukraine?

To answer this question, you need to understand the procedure of opening a LLC in Ukraine for a foreigner, and hiring him to the same LLC as director.

Why in general should you choose this scheme for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine? The fact is that the scheme of company registration in Ukraine gives the opportunity in the future (in a short time) to employ a foreigner there through obtaining a work permit in Ukraine. Such a permit is the basis for obtaining a residence permit.

In order to obtain a work permit for a foreigner, the Ukrainian employer (the established firm) must apply to the Migration Company. Of course, if you have already found a company that is ready to hire you - you can do without creating a company - our lawyers will help you just to get the right permission and move to Ukraine. We wrote about it in more detail here.

If there is no employer, we will return to the scheme with the firm. We register a firm that applies for a foreigner's labor permit in Ukraine.

And here the question arises: why can't we just register a LLC and immediately appoint a foreigner as a director there?

The answer is simple: the director must already have a work permit. In this case, LLC in Ukraine without a director will not be registered. It turns out that a work permit is not obtained before the registration of an LLC, which cannot be created without a director. 

The optimal solution is the situation when the LLC registration should be taken by someone else - a citizen of Ukraine, who in the future will sign an application to the Migration Service to issue the RNT. This person is called a "nominal" director.

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Safety rules when selecting a nominee director for a company in Ukraine

Further receipt of work permit and work of the established LLC depends on the "nominal" director, therefore we ask you to observe the following rules:

  • Use the services of a reliable "nominal" director. After all, you need his services for a short time and to perform specific actions.

Our law firm offers the services of a "nominal" director as part of the service of obtaining a residence permit / work permit in Ukraine. This will be one of the lawyers of the firm.

Want to get a residence permit in Ukraine safely and easily? Apply to us! We will select for you the most convenient option and take on all organizational issues.

Need more information?

Read all about company registration in Ukraine here.

More about residence permits here.

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