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Is it safe to register a firm in Ukraine to obtain a residence permit?

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To obtain a residence permit in Ukraine, any foreigner must have one of the grounds specified by the law of Ukraine. The most common are marriage to a Ukrainian, study at a Ukrainian university or work in a Ukrainian company with the appropriate permit. But what to do if there is no such ground?

One of the most popular schemes for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine without grounds — registration of the company and employment in it. Is such a scheme safe? What will happen to the company in the future? Is it worth it to lead its activities and how to deal with taxes?

Today we will answer these questions and tell you how such a scheme can be safe and work to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine. Our company helps to get a residence permit and citizenship in Ukraine for more than 14 years, and we know exactly what we're talking about.

Related article: Residence permit in Ukraine "turnkey": terms and cost

How does the scheme work and how legitimate is it?

The whole algorithm works as follows: to obtain a residence permit you need a legal reason, your desire alone is not enough. Reasons are limited, and the easiest way to get an invitation to work in a Ukrainian company. It is not always possible to find an employer willing to give such an invitation. Well, in this case you can create a workplace for yourself.

A foreigner has the right to register a business in Ukraine. Thus, when registering a company, you can make a request for a non-resident employee - yourself. At this request will be issued a work permit, and already it can be the basis for obtaining a residence permit.

A few important nuances:

  • Of course a company can have a lot of employees, and the question immediately arises - can I move my whole family and friends to Ukraine in this way? But here it is important to remember that when we open a company we register you as a director, and this is important. After all, the director (if he is the founder) can be without a salary, and therefore do not pay taxes on it. But with other employees - taxes will have to be paid.

Note: if you want to move the family to Ukraine too - it is easy to do. If you have a residence permit, your family will be able to get a permit on the basis that it has already been issued to you.

  • At the very moment of company registration, the director must already be named. He can only be a citizen of Ukraine at this point, because the Work Permit will not be issued yet. We register the company with our trusted director, who then cedes his position to a foreigner, after the work permit is issued.

What to do with the company next?

You got a residence permit - can you forget about the company? Of course not. But do not be afraid of unnecessary liability in this scheme, too.

Work in the company - your basis for a residence. This means that the company can not be closed, or you will lose the basis. You can lose ground if the company is questioned by the tax or other regulatory authority. Accordingly, the first rule - as long as you have a company, and there is a basis for a residence permit.

The second rule, resulting from the first - you should not have any problems with the tax authorities. And this is your only responsibility related to the company. At the same time, this task does not require any complicated actions - all you need is to submit the company reports on time. Our lawyers give you all the necessary templates and instructions in the process of obtaining a residence permit.

Working with us, you will know exactly what to do with the company, when to submit reports, where and what. And thus you will not have problems with the company or with the residence permit.

If there is no activity - the so-called "blank" reports are submitted to the tax office, and concerning taxes, our lawyer will give you all the information on the rates and their payment. 

If you want to get not only a residence permit in Ukraine, but to be sure that you will be able to keep this permit — contact us. 

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