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Residence permit in Ukraine "turnkey": terms and cost

Views: 1273

Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine - is a process for which you must be prepared and be legally trained. And you will need legal knowledge concerning the Ukrainian legislation, not the laws of your country. 

Unfortunately, we rarely meet foreign citizens, who perfectly understand the vicissitudes of Ukrainian laws, especially taking into account their reforms and adaptations to modern trends.

To us turn those who value their time and clearly understand that it is much easier and safer to get to a qualified specialist, and get a residence permit quickly and easily than trying to do it yourself.

How do you get a permit without grounds?

As we've said many times before - to get a permit you need a reason - most often family ties, a job or other activity in Ukraine. If there is no basis - it can be created. Usually this happens through registering your own company or working for a volunteer organization as a foreign volunteer.

Of course, the procedure involves some preparation, such as getting a TIN code or registering a company. But another thing is interesting.

In this process, it is important not to miscalculate with those who will create this company for you. In no case do not agree (if it is a company) on employment in fake companies created to attract foreigners. Such companies are already on bad account with the migration services of Ukraine, are quickly tracked, and as a result - you will not even be able to enter Ukraine at the invitation of such a legal entity.

Even worse - you will be able to come in, get a work permit and even a residence permit, but you will lose it soon, as well as the time and money spent on the move.

The safest scheme would be to register your own business - this company will be all yours, you will be the sole owner. This means that simply submitting monthly blank reports, you can get a residence permit for 3 years without any problems.

Do you want to get a residence permit in Ukraine? Please contact us! We will help even in the situation when you have no grounds for obtaining a residence permit and can provide a residence permit in Ukraine and for your family.

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