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Diploma recognition process in Ukraine: foreign physician experience

Views: 1798

As our company has huge experience in obtaining medical licenses, as well as receiving work permits for various categories of professions, our foreign Clients call for our help, if they want to come to Ukraine and work as a doctor here.

Today we will talk on such important part of the medical license obtainment process as a recognition of a diploma in Ukraine.

It will be a first step in long procedure of obtaining a work permit and, possibly, a temporary residence permit to stay and work in Ukraine.

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How is the process of diploma nostrification regulated in Ukraine?

Mostly, the procedure is regulated by specific act - an Order of the MOH of Ukraine “On approving the procedure of allowing citizens who passed medical and pharmaceutical preparation in educational foreign institutions to medical and pharmaceutical activities”. 

It determines that if a foreigner specialist with a medical diploma, need to submit an application to the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and receive a specific Certificate on nostrification of a diploma. 

Interesting! The Ministry will check not only the diploma itself, but also the previous document on education. The one that was the basis for the medical diploma obtainment. 

Procedure of the diploma recognition in Ukraine

In order to perform the nostrification of the foreign diploma, we commonly, gather all the required documents from the Client and submit it to the Ministry along with the application.

Interesting fact. If You want to fasten the procedure a bit (as it commonly can last up to 60 days or even longer), we can advise a procedure of apostilization of documents on education. It can really help in some cases.

In case, when the Ministry refuse to give a Certificate on diploma recognition, You should ask the legal advisor to determine the problem and give You an option how to solve it. Maybe the country that issued the diploma is not officially recognized by Ukraine? Or there is something wrong with diploma itself?

Remember, You can even try to obtain a medical license in Ukraine without a medical education - but only experienced lawyers will be able to help You in pulling out such option.

Related article: How to get the temporary residence permit: various ways to settle in Ukraine

Nostrification of a foreign diploma is only the first step. To stay legally in Ukraine, You will also need to at least:

If You wish is to stay in Ukraine and need to get Your diploma recognition fast and simple - call us

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