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What documents do I need to apply for Ukrainian citizenship?

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Changing citizenship, renouncing your previous citizenship and obtaining citizenship in a new country is a very important step, which is difficult to take. It is a step both for you, because it is the strongest ties with the state that you can have, and for the state - because it is a "conscious" acceptance of a new member of society and new obligations in relation to him.

Accepting a new citizen, Ukraine undertakes to take care of him, to protect his rights and interests, property, health and life.

That is why the procedure of obtaining citizenship is a multi-step one, and the applicant undergoes several checks. The whole procedure will require a large package of documents, many of which still need to be obtained and processed. Today we will talk about them.

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A document confirming that you have grounds for Ukrainian citizenship

Let's start with this document, because depending on the basis, there will be different documents needed.

For example, if we are talking about obtaining citizenship by roots, a procedure we described in detail here, then you will need to find a document that would confirm the existence of your family ties with someone who lives or lived previously in Ukraine.

The search for the following documents begins as standard:

If you were born in Ukraine, but have already obtained another citizenship:

  • document of the applicant's residence in Ukraine or his/her permanent residence abroad;

  • child's birth certificate;

  • if the documents are submitted by child's parents - documents confirming person's status and legality of stay in Ukraine at the time of child's birth (permanent residence permit).

If your closest relatives were born or lived in Ukraine:

  • document confirming the residence of the person or his/her legal relatives on the territory of Ukraine before 24.08.1991 (e.g., a copy of the birth certificate);

  • documents proving kinship relations, such as passport, birth certificate. Sometimes in order to establish the fact of kinship it is necessary to apply to the court, which can extend the term of registration of citizenship.

Exactly with the last document, there may be problems, especially if the relative, for example, grandmother or grandfather, or they are no longer alive. You will need to build a chain of documents that will clearly show your connection to Ukrainian citizenship - you may need birth certificates, marriage certificates, if your surname has changed, etc.

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What is the package of documents for obtaining citizenship in Ukraine?

The standard set of documents is as follows:

  • Application, drawn up in the name of the President of Ukraine;

  • Declaration of commitment to terminate citizenship of a foreign country;

  • Document confirming the fact of permanent residence in Ukraine for the last 2 years;

  • Certificate of sufficient knowledge of Ukrainian language - may not be necessary, depending on the grounds for obtaining citizenship;

  • Three photos 3.5 x 4.5;

  • Confirmation of the legitimacy of sources of subsistence (for example, salary).

Also one of the standard documents is an Immigration Permit - but it is not always required.

In addition to the standard package you form the documents that will confirm your right to citizenship - will not be needed if you do not have any grounds, but you want to become a citizen of Ukraine, reside in the territory for more than 5 years legally, and meet other requirements.

All documents must be submitted to the local office of the SMS. Filing in most cases - in person.

Our company provides assistance on registration of citizenship of Ukraine. We help to understand what documents are required exactly in your case, how long the procedure will last, what chances you have anyway.

You can find out the cost of our services here. Ask our lawyers about how much it would cost to obtain Ukrainian citizenship in your case.

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