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How to get a building license in Ukraine?

Views: 1762

Our company specializes not only in providing legal services for obtaining a residence permit or work permits in Ukraine, but also on the execution of various licenses and permits.

It gives us an opportunity not only to provide arrival of our foreign Clients to Ukraine, but also to give any help to such Clients in sphere of their business in territory of Ukraine.

Among the licenses that we help to obtain, not the last place is occupied by the construction license. Who needs it and how to get it?

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Who needs a building license in Ukraine?

The building license is the decision made by the licensing body that the concrete subject of economic relations has the right to carrying out building activity.

It is important to know that only the construction of a certain range of objects can be a subject to licensing, which is divided into categories depending on the classes of consequences:

  • medium impact facilities (class CC2)
  • significant impact sites (class CC3).

There is also class CC1 - objects with insignificant consequences, but for construction of such objects the license is not necessary.

The first thing to do before preparing the license documents is to decide which class your construction project will belong to. We will help you with that.

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Building license issuance process

In order to properly prepare for obtaining a building license, You need to go through several stages of preparation:

  • Determine the class of consequences of a future construction project.
  • Select the types of construction work to be carried out during construction. There is a government document - the Codifier, which contains a list of possible works.
  • Prepare the necessary package of documents and submit it to the licensing authority.

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Licensing procedure for the construction license

Once the package of documents has been formed and submitted, it will undergo the following procedure:

  1. For 10 days the package of documents is reviewed by the specialists of the supervisory authority, after which it is handed over to the licensing commission.
  2. Within the next 10 days, the Licensing Committee will analyze the received documents in detail. Based on the results of the review, a relevant conclusion is issued.
  3. In case of a positive decision, the licensing authority within 7 days makes a decision on granting a license and writes about it on its website.
  4. The applicant is obliged to pay the state fee. 

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What problems may arise in the process of obtaining a building license?

The main problem in obtaining a construction license is the lack of a regulatory act that would clearly regulate the requirements for each individual type of work under the Codifier.

Why is this a bad thing?

The licensing authority uses only its internal vision of the issue of a license, which gives almost unlimited reasons for refusing to issue a license that cannot be argued with.

Other common problems in obtaining a license include:

  • the documents You submit must contain a lot of information. The slightest omission will result in a denial of Your license.;
  • drafting of the mentioned above information and other licensing documents requires qualified knowledge;
  • the process often requires an excessive waste of money and time.

Unfortunately, without proper experience in dealing with such issues and deep knowledge of Ukrainian legislation, as well as taking into account all these problems and the practice of delaying the licensing procedure - You risk applying more than once or not getting a license at all.

If You want to avoid extra time and money waste - contact our lawyers. We will get a license for You quickly and easily.

Views: 1762
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