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HomePublicationsLegislation newsFrom now on foreigners do not have to leave Ukraine for D type visa

From now on foreigners do not have to leave Ukraine for D type visa

Views: 4485

On the 6th of March 2019 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine cancelled the obligatory requirement for foreign citizens who want to apply for residence permit to leave the country and apply for D type visa outside of Ukraine (e.g. in the home country of such foreigner).

The changes concern only foreigners who come to Ukraine for employment and have appropriate work permit in Ukraine. Therefore other categories of foreigners e.g. those who married a Ukrainian citizen and want to get permit based on family reunion will still have to undergo the visa process outside of Ukraine. Another important requirement for the foreigners is visa free entrance to Ukraine (for purposes other than immigration).

As to those foreign national that are entitled to this new simplification, they will still have to get the D visa however without leaving Ukraine. The visas will be issued by the Department of the consular service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since the changes were just announced on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine it is still unclear if the new procedure will turn out to be efficient and indeed simplify the life of foreigners coming to Ukraine and seeking employment however it is a positive step in immigration procedure that may make out country more attractive from economic and investment standpoint.

Before these changes similar simplifications were introduced for a number of CIS countries that have visa free entrance to Ukraine. However in their case the D visa is not obligatory at all if they comply with deadlines for entering Ukraine and filing the residence permit application.

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