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What are the grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine?

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A residence permit is a document that you will need if you plan to stay in Ukraine for a rather long time. On the basis of the residence permit you can not only stay in the territory for more than the days allowed to any tourist, but also to enter and leave Ukraine an unlimited number of times during the period of validity of the permit.

There are temporary and permanent residence permits. They differ primarily in validity (temporary to 3 years, permanent - up to 10 years), as well as the fact that having a residence permit you do not need to obtain additional Permission to work as a foreigner in order to work in Ukraine.

Of course, the grounds for obtaining temporary and permanent residence permits will be very different. Today we will talk about temporary residence in Ukraine, as the most common type of permits.

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Types of grounds on which you can apply for a temporary residence permit in Ukraine

1. Employment in a Ukrainian company.

Employment in a Ukrainian company takes place on the basis of obtaining a Permit to Employment. It is this Permit that can become the basis for issuing a residence permit. This option is suitable for those foreigners who have already received an offer of cooperation from a company located in Ukraine.

Documents for obtaining a residence permit for employment:

  • Work permit;

  • Company Commitment;

  • Passport with issued Ukrainian visa type D-04, with a stamp about crossing the Ukrainian border after the date of work permit;

  • Health insurance policy.

Important! The conditions and requirements for this ground will be different for different categories of workers. 

The procedure itself will take place in two stages: obtaining Work Permit and subsequent registration of temporary residence permit. Our company not only takes care of the paperwork, but also helps with insurance and translation of documents.

There is a separate option of registering a personal company in Ukraine and obtaining a work permit there. We will tell you more about it further on.

2. Marriage to a citizen of Ukraine or a person who already has a residence permit in Ukraine.

To obtain a residence permit on this basis, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • Marriage certificate with a citizen of Ukraine, as well as his passport;

  • Original passport with issued Ukrainian visa type D-14 (except for citizens of CIS countries and Georgia) and a mark on crossing the Ukrainian border; 

  • Medical insurance policy.

Important! When submitting documents both husband and wife must be present in person, and if the marriage was not legalized in Ukraine - this should be done additionally.

Problems may arise, for example, if the marriage is civil - in which case there is a high probability that you will be rejected. But our company can help arrange a marriage in the shortest possible time, after which you can proceed to obtain a residence permit.

3. Work in volunteer organizations in Ukraine

The first thing to keep in mind is that not every volunteer organization is eligible for a residence permit. Only those listed in the register of volunteer organizations on the website of the Ministry of Social Policy. 

It is on behalf of such an organization can be issued an invitation (petition), which will be the basis for obtaining a residence permit.

Documents for obtaining a residence permit by volunteering:

  • Non-resident passport (with notarized translation);

  • D-10 visa;

  • application from a volunteer organization;

  • certificate of state registration of volunteer organization;

  • health insurance;

  • receipt of payment of state duty.

We have already described the whole process here. The most important thing to remember is that if you get a residence permit you will not be able to go to work in Ukraine without obtaining an additional work permit.

4. Other grounds.

We have given you the most common reasons for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine, but there are others:

  • work in a foreign mission;

  • on the basis of studying at Ukrainian universities;

  • on the basis of a visit to Ukraine for the purpose of preaching religious teachings;

  • etc.

After analyzing your situation, we will find the best solution that suits you.

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And what to do if none of the grounds are suitable?

If none of the possible grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine, this does not mean that it is impossible to obtain a residence permit. For example, there is an opportunity to get a residence permit through opening a company in Ukraine. This will allow you to get a guaranteed residence permit, as well as start your life in Ukraine with a ready-made company for business.

You will need to go through the following algorithm:

  1. Obtaining of identification number in Ukraine;

  2. Registration of the legal entity (LLC) created by a foreigner. At this stage we register LLC in Ukraine, where a temporary Ukrainian director (lawyer) is appointed, whose place is later taken by our Client;

  3. Obtaining a work permit for a foreigner by the employer (registered LLC);

  4. Replacement of the General Director by a foreigner;

  5. Obtaining a temporary residence permit;

  6. Registration of the place of residence in Ukraine.

An example of such a procedure in detail can be seen here

The cost of obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine through the registration of a company starts at 2500 USD.

Do you want to get a residence permit in Ukraine? Apply to us! We will find you the most convenient option and take care of its organization.

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