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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceHow is the invitation for a foreigner to Ukraine issued?

How is the invitation for a foreigner to Ukraine issued?

Views: 1799

We often receive requests for assistance in processing an invitation letter to our country for a foreigner. Of course, this service is provided to citizens of those countries that have visa procedure for entry into Ukraine.

You will need an invitation if you visit Ukraine for personal or business purposes. Moreover, it may become the first step to obtaining a residence permit.

Today we will talk about the types of invitation letters for foreigners.

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Private and business invitation of a foreigner to Ukraine

Guest (private) invitation is issued for subsequent opening of a short-term visa category C. It, in turn, gives a non-resident the right to stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days within six months from the date of crossing the border.

Who gets:
foreign citizens coming to Ukraine for marriage or family reunification, as well as for cultural exchange or participation in sports events.

Business invitation
is prepared upon the appropriate request from the Ukrainian legal entity indicated as the host party.

Who gets:
suitable for foreigners who want to stay in Ukraine for work or residence permits, etc. The invitation allows you to make a visa C for a period of 5 to 90 days.

Actually, types of invitations differ from the host. We offer services of the business invitation.

This means that we make a written commitment to finance the deportation of a foreigner, if necessary. This is most often an additional guarantee for the state authority when it decides on the visa approval.

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The amount of money a foreigner must have in order to make a positive entry decision is calculated using a specific formula proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Often foreigners do not know that financial reliability can be proved not only by having money in a bank account, but also in other ways. For example, a booked hotel room.

The cost of insurance is differentiated according to the age of the client, the fact that he belongs to a certain state and other characteristics.

If you need the assistance of a lawyer in obtaining a visa, invitation letter or further residence permit in Ukraine - write to us. 

Views: 1799
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