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HomePublicationsComments on legislationTo obtain a residence permit in Ukraine, if your spouse already has it

To obtain a residence permit in Ukraine, if your spouse already has it

Views: 1109

Getting a residence permit in Ukraine, and planning a long-term move to its territory, many people wonder how to move not only themselves but also their families. Residence permit - a permit for a long stay (1-3 years), and getting it means that you at least plan to come to Ukraine often, or to stay on its territory for more than 90 days.

It is natural to want to provide the same opportunity to their spouse or children. Moreover you can do this.

Ukrainian legislation provides an opportunity for relatives of those who have already received a residence permit to also apply. Such a procedure is called "obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine for family reunification".

It is important to understand how to do it right, and what is necessary to ensure that the relative-foreigner has the opportunity to stay in Ukraine legally?

Today, we will tell you about the nuances of obtaining a residence permit on the basis of a permit that already has the second of the spouses. More information specifically about your case you can get from our specialists in a personal consultation.

Related article: How to obtain a Residence Permit in Ukraine: terms, cost and legal services

How to start the procedure for applying for a residence permit for family members?

First of all, let's name those who are eligible to apply for and receive a permit:

  • A husband or wife who is officially married;

  • Children;

  • Parents (retired)

  • Native grandparents;

  • Siblings.

Important: only the specified relatives can apply. Moreover, if we are talking about spouses - no permit is issued for the common-law spouse or husband - because one of the documents, in the case of a permit for the wife, is the marriage certificate. 

All documents require Ukrainian, notarized translation. Our specialists arrange this process themselves.

In addition to the basic documents, you will need those that confirm the family ties between family members. For example, marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc. We will tell you exactly what document should be available in your case. 

Here are some basic rules for obtaining a residence permit for family members in Ukraine:

  • If the permit of the relative, on the basis of whose residence permit you get your residence permit, is annulled — your permit will also be automatically annulled;

  • You cannot get a job with this type of permit. If you want to work officially in Ukraine, we recommend another type of permit;

  • The procedure for obtaining a visa on this basis can be rather complicated for grandparents, brothers and sisters of the host party. First, such applications are filed and processed much less frequently, and second, there are frequent cases of loss of documents that confirm the necessary degree of kinship;

  • The receiving party must provide financial guarantees: the embassy may ask to present a certificate from a bank that a person has not less than 50 000 hryvnias on the personal account in Ukraine.

Contact our specialists to form a personalized service package. The cost of the service can be found here.

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