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Checking a ready-made company in Ukraine

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When planning to start a business in Ukraine, you can take two ways: register a firm from scratch, or buy a ready-made, even with the license you already need.

The second option is usually chosen if the company you choose has some property you need for work (for example, a suitable office or industrial complex), or in cases where the entrepreneur thinks that in this way he saves himself time on business registration.

A frequent reason for the purchase of a ready-made business is also the desire to participate in the tender in Ukraine - because very often there is a requirement for participants in a competition or tender for the "history" of the company. That is, you can not use a new company for such an event.

But buying a business that was already active in Ukraine earlier is a risk. You can never know exactly, from the words of the previous owner, all the pitfalls. Moreover, often even the company owner may not know, for example, that the tax office has some questions about his business.

What will help to avoid any risks associated with the purchase of a ready-made business will help - is a preliminary check at various levels and from different sources.

Such a check will differ depending on whether activities were conducted in the company, who was the owner and in what area of activity was conducted. So, for example, if there was no activity, the time and cost of verification will be minimal.

Related article: How to provide Refundable Financial Aid for your business in Ukraine?

What checks can be made and how to make them?

We offer a standard set of checks, which will give the most necessary information about the company and its previous owners. The set and depth of checks can be adjusted according to the need.

Verification of constituent documents of the company in Ukraine.

First of all, all official data on company registration is checked, as well as all other information contained in the Unified State Register - this can give an understanding of when the last registration actions or changes in the company were carried out and what they were related to. In this way, one can also obtain information on who is the owner and participant in the company and much more.

Checking for debts or other liabilities of the ready-made firm.

It is important to understand not only the history of the company itself, but also the financial situation of its owner. So, for example, if his name is on the Registry of Alimony Debtors, this can considerably complicate the deal and serve as a wake-up call for you.

But of course, you also need to check the financial history of the company itself - and in relation to both business contractors and state authorities - for example, the tax authorities.

Important: A company may have debts not only to its contractors, but also to state authorities, for example, tax arrears. Our accountant will be able to audit the company if necessary.

Related article: How to buy a company in Ukraine? What to consider when buying?

Checking the relevance of the licenses and permits you need to work

A license or permit to conduct business in Ukraine is not always needed - often in Ukraine business can be conducted without them. But there is a statutory list of activities that require a license. For example, construction, sale of alcohol or financial services.

If it is a company that has received a license previously, it is necessary to make sure that the license is still valid, and that the company itself has no claims from the licensing authority inspecting it.

Such a purchase would lead to the fact that, unaware of the requirements of the licensing authority, the new owner would not have taken the necessary actions in time, and as a result would have lost the license for which he had paid.

You can find out the cost of company verification from our specialist. You can also reduce the risk by buying a ready-made company, which was registered specifically for sale - we have these in stock with a large number of different business licenses in Ukraine.

Want to buy a company in Ukraine? We will carry out full verification for you and accompany a safe transfer of rights to the company for you.

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