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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceTerms and conditions of obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine for citizens of America and Europe

Terms and conditions of obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine for citizens of America and Europe

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Ukraine is a country with a high level of medical care, service and comfort of living. The average cost of living and services in Ukraine is much lower than in Europe, America or Canada. That is what attracts many foreign citizens who apply to us for a residence permit in Ukraine.

There may be many reasons for this. Someone has a successful business in America or Europe, but prefers to live in Ukraine, someone wants to expand their business and on the territory of Ukraine, and prefers to be able to freely come to the country, and someone pursues their personal interests and wants to be able to live, work or just stay in Ukraine.

A residence permit in Ukraine is a status that allows:

  • do business in Ukraine;

  • to stay on the territory of Ukraine for an unlimited amount of time (whereas normally US citizens, for example, can stay in Ukraine for no more than 90 days within 180 days);

  • obtain the right to reside in Ukraine not only for oneself, but also for one's family members.

Related article: Temporary residence permit in Ukraine: benefits

How long is the procedure for obtaining a residence permit for citizens of America or Europe?

Timing of permit issuance will consist of the preparatory stage and the time of review of documents by the Migration Service of Ukraine.

We always start our work with a preliminary request of documents and information from the client, and conduct an initial consultation. At such consultation we carefully analyze the client's situation and his goals in Ukraine, and offer the best option to achieve them. For example, if such goal is to do business in Ukraine, then the easiest solution will be to register LLC in Ukraine, which will at the same time get a residence permit.

In this case, all of the preliminary part of the work (company registration and registration of a residence permit) can be done without the presence of a foreign client in Ukraine - by power of attorney.

The terms look as follows:

  • Receipt of identification code - 3 working days. 

  • Preparation of the company charter and its registration - 2 days.

  • Preparation and submission of documents for a foreigner's work permit - 2 days.

  • Issuance of Work Permit - 7-10 working days.

  • Preparation of the package and preparation for the visit to the Migration Service - 2 days.

  • Consideration of documents in the Migration Service - 15 working days. 

On average, the preparatory stage takes about a week, and already get a residence permit - about another month. Timing may vary depending on the situation in Ukraine. 

Related article: How to extend a residence permit in Ukraine during the war in 2022?

Additional costs of time in obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine

When the whole procedure of obtaining a residence permit is over, and you have the permit itself, you will need to carry out a few additional actions in order not to lose this permit.

The main thing is to register your place of residence at a specific address in Ukraine. This must be done within 30 days from the date of receipt of the residence permit. This period is counted not from the date of issuance, specified in the document for residence in Ukraine, but from the date of actual receipt of the document by a foreigner.

If you miss this deadline, then at a minimum you face a fine - from 1700 UAH to 5100 UAH. And as a maximum - you may get problems at the following border crossings, and will not be able to extend or exchange the residence permit in Ukraine if you need it.

After you register/declare your place of residence, you must enter this information into your permanent/temporary residence permit - on a chip. You can do this in any subdivision of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

If you want to issue a residence permit in Ukraine quickly and easily, and most importantly - safely, please contact us. We will help you and your family with registration of residence permits.

Prices here.

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