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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceHow can I obtain a residence permit in Ukraine through employment in a Ukrainian company or public organisation?

How can I obtain a residence permit in Ukraine through employment in a Ukrainian company or public organisation?

Views: 795

Ukraine allows foreign nationals to obtain a temporary residence permit if they are able to be officially employed in the country.

At the same time, official employment will be considered employment in any organization - both in an LLC (company) and in public or charitable organizations, where in turn it is possible to formalize their activities as volunteering, and it is possible to get official employment.

Thus, if you have received an invitation to work from Ukraine, or are looking for such an opportunity, your legalization option is to obtain a work permit, and after that a residence permit.

Important! If you do not have an invitation to work, as well as other reasons, and you need a residence permit in Ukraine - you always have the option of creating a job yourself. By registering a company in Ukraine and employing its director.

Our company also has a number of trusted partners of public organizations, which are ready to accept foreigners for joint activities in Ukraine.

Related article: Getting a residence permit in Ukraine through the registration of a company

If you have received an invitation to work in Ukraine

If you have an invitation and an offer to work for a Ukrainian company, such a company will be actively involved in the process of obtaining a work permit and a residence permit. We provide services to corporate clients, so we can do everything on a turnkey basis.

The procedure will consist of two steps: obtaining a work permit and obtaining residence permit in Ukraine.

To get a work permit you will need your personal information and a draft employment contract prepared by the company that hires you. This draft + filled out application forms are submitted by the company to the state authority, which issues the work permit in your name and for the specified position.

More often than not, the employee is not that much involved in this process, as it is the company that is interested in you being able to start work.

Often, it is up to the employee to apply for a residence permit. 

The package of documents, which you will need to prepare will include work permit, and previously issued for a foreigner TIN in Ukraine, and notarized translations of his documents.

In addition you need to find and arrange medical insurance. Now it is issued for 3 years for the period of war. It will be fully valid - you will be able to use it in case of an insured event.

All this can be done remotely, through a lawyer. 

Only after the preparatory stage you need to obtain the visa D and enter Ukraine to submit the documents to the Ukrainian Migration Service. Documents must be submitted in person, but a lawyer can be accompanied. 

The period of processing is 15 working days. After which you come and pick up your residence permit. The final step will be registration in Ukraine.

Important! If you plan to start a business in Ukraine, to this list of stages will be added another - the registration of the company in your name. such registration takes only 3-5 days.

Related article: How can a volunteer obtain a residence permit in Ukraine?

If you are planning to do voluntary work in Ukraine

There is another option for obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine - it is through working in an NGO or doing voluntary work. 

Please note that volunteering and working in a volunteer organization are two different things!

Volunteering is voluntary work for free. Such activity gives the right to a residence permit in Ukraine. For this purpose, the volunteer organization must meet certain requirements and submit information about all the volunteers with whom it works. 

At the same time residence permit on the basis of volunteering does not give the right to formal employment in Ukraine.

On the other hand, employment in a public organisation or charitable foundation works in the same way as employment in a company. This is a good option for those who plan to be in Ukraine, and link some of their time with the interests of the country itself.

If you are interested in obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine - we will find exactly the option that suits you best.

Please contact our specialists for a personal consultation.

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