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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceGetting a residence permit in Ukraine through the registration of a company

Getting a residence permit in Ukraine through the registration of a company

Views: 1065

One of the most common problems in moving to Ukraine is that you want to move here, but there are no options on what basis you can stay in the country longer than the allowed 90 days.

Of course, everything will be much easier if you are called here for work, or if you plan to tie the knot of marriage with a citizen of Ukraine. But more often there are requests from entrepreneurs, IT professionals and others who benefit from a residence permit in Ukraine, but official employment or marriage is not expected.

For such situations in Ukraine there is a convenient scheme for implementation: the registration of a Ukrainian company, obtaining a work permit, and obtaining a residence permit on its basis.

There is also a second option - to obtain a residence permit through employment in a volunteer organization, but it has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is the subject of a separate article.

Related article: Temporary residence permit in Ukraine: renewal

How does the scheme work?

It is very simple - for legal stay in Ukraine you need a legal basis. It can be a job in Ukraine. Including work as a director in your own company.

Important! In any case do not accept the services of companies that offer "employment" in the company just for the sake of obtaining a residence permit - where you will be taken for some non-existent position, or appoint the next director of an existing LLC, and draw up an invitation. Such companies are on bad account with the migration authorities, you will not be able to get even a visa, and the funds are already handed over.

Our task is to take care of the legal and safe border crossing and further stay in Ukraine.

The most transparent scheme is if a company in Ukraine is created directly for you, indicating you as a founder. This, firstly, gives you the opportunity to get a job there as a director and not to pay your own salary - and this is the absence of taxes. And secondly, to have full control over your own company.

As a standard, our services include:

  • setting up a new LLC; 

  • obtaining a work permit; 

  • conducting instructions for obtaining a D visa;

  • preparation of insurance contract;

  • Registration of residence permit in Ukraine.

If necessary, we also help with the registration of residence in Ukraine.

A separate important nuance - when obtaining a residence permit for our clients, we provide obligatory consultations on further stay in Ukraine. What to do with the company? How not to lose your work permit, and accordingly, the residence permit?

Today we help citizens of the USA, Poland, Germany and other countries to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine. Such opportunities are open even despite martial law. We also offer services for extension of residence permit in Ukraine.

Do you want to get qualified help from a migration attorney in Ukraine? Please contact us!

Obtainment of temporary residence permit in Ukraine

Obtainment of employment permit in Ukraine

Views: 1065
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