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How to transfer a foreign top manager to your company in Ukraine?

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Inviting a foreign manager to work in Ukraine is not uncommon for those businesses that are opened in Ukraine as subsidiaries of an existing foreign business. Many entrepreneurs, opening their own business in Ukraine, prefer to put a trusted top manager as a business manager.

The procedure of relocation or hiring a foreign top manager or manager of the enterprise may differ from the standard procedure of obtaining a work permit for a foreigner in Ukraine.

Our company provides consultations and services to foreign businesses in Ukraine. Today we will talk about how to provide your business in Ukraine with professional top staff, as well as talk about the most common ways to obtain a work permit in Ukraine for such workers.

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How to issue a Work Permit to the Director of a foreigner in Ukraine?

The procedure for obtaining a Permit to Work for an executive or top manager may vary from situation to situation. Everything depends on the specifics of your activity, as well as on who the employee is — an intra-corporate assignee, a highly qualified employee, etc.

Important! If we are not talking about a registered in Ukraine legal entity — company, but about a representative office, which has its own separate status, the procedure of assignment of employee or manager will be different. Employees of representative offices in Ukraine work on the basis of so-called service cards, and the director — on the basis of the power of attorney issued to him.

Let's discuss the two most frequent cases of obtaining a work permit for a top manager of a foreigner in Ukraine.

Obtaining Authorization to Work for a Top Manager as an Employee on Business Trip or Intra-Corporate Assignee

If the employee is already your employee and you want to send him to the Ukrainian company for a certain period of time on a business trip, or as an intra-corporate assignee, it will also be possible to issue a separate type of Work Permit for him. The period of validity of the Permit will be conditioned by the period of his work in the Ukrainian company, but not more than 3 years, and the conditions for obtaining the RNT will be:

  • availability of the decision of the foreign parent company on its transfer to the Ukrainian division;

  • conclusion of an appropriate contract.

The minimum wage for this category of workers is set - for July 2021 it is 60,000 UAH. 

Related article: What requirements are set for IT specialists to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine?

Registration Permit for the top foreigner in Ukraine for the general category of workers

If the foreign top manager that you plan to attract to work in Ukraine is not an intra-corporate assignee or a highly paid specialist, you can apply for a Work Permit under the standard procedure.

The following restrictions are set for this category:

  • The permit may be issued for not more than 1 year;

  • The minimum wage has been established - as of July 2021 it is 30,000 UAH.

To obtain a work permit for the top manager of a foreigner in Ukraine you will need the following documents:

  • Application on behalf of employer;

  • Document confirming the identity of a foreigner - a notarized copy with a certified translation into Ukrainian is required;

  • Photo of employee 3,5 x 4,5 cm;

  • Draft employment contract with employee;

  • Receipt on payment of state fee;

  • Power of attorney for the representative.

All documents are prepared by our lawyers. We also help to immediately determine which category of workers will be most beneficial for you to employ a top manager in Ukraine. 

The cost of issuing a work permit in Ukraine for a top manager, director or an employee of a special category can be found here, or you can check with our specialist. 

Do you want to hire a foreigner as a top manager, director or IT specialist? Contact us! We will take care of the whole process of obtaining the Permit and help you solve any problems arising before your business in Ukraine.

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