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Why choose Ukraine for surrogacy process?

Views: 1466

According to statistics, the number of infertility diagnoses increases every year and more and more people need help in the process of having children. Everyone's variants depend on their body condition - someone will be helped by IVF, and someone will turn to such variant as surrogate motherhood. 

But like any other medical procedure, surrogate motherhood may have limitations, depending on the country. In this respect, Ukraine has become a Mecca for many foreign tourists who want to supplement their family with a child born by a surrogate mother.

Why? The answer is simple - the procedure carried out in Ukraine:

  • does not require additional procedural actions in the form of permits from certain government bodies or courts;
  • does not require an adoption procedure to recognize foreigners as parents of a newborn child;
  • provides an opportunity to receive quality medical care much cheaper than in Europe or the USA.

Today Ukraine has a large number of highly qualified clinics with its own register of surrogate mothers. We can help you choose a proven clinic and ensure a safe contract conclusion process.

We will talk about legal aspects of surrogacy procedure in Ukraine. After all, you should not only get positive results, but also protect your rights and those of your future child.

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Legal peculiarities of surrogate motherhood procedure in Ukraine

The contract, which is signed by the spouses and the surrogate mother, is concluded on a commercial basis and does not have in Ukraine without any restrictions. Of course, the process of conclusion of the contract should be controlled by a lawyer.

You will not need any permission from the state authorities to start the surrogate motherhood procedure. 

In order to protect ourselves in the process of surrogacy, our lawyers advise:

  • It's mandatory to make a contract. Legal registration of the process will help you to avoid such unpleasant moments as surrogate mother's refusal to give up her child or her threat to stop pregnancy early. In the contract you can prescribe all the conditions and nuances to protect yourself from negative results, as well as initially clarify the relationship between the parties. 
  • When entering into a contract, please note that the subject matter cannot be a child - this is legally incorrect. The subject of the contract must specify the surrogate motherhood itself, the process of bearing the child, etc.
  • Run a pre-check on the surrogate candidate. This will help protect yourself from possible fraud.
  • Make sure that the registration procedure is done on time and properly. In Ukraine, the registration of a child after birth takes place at the registry office within a month, starting from the birth of the child. To do this, you will have to submit applications and attach to it a document that confirms the birth of the child and a document from a medical institution that can confirm the surrogate mother's consent.

If you want to be sure of your safety and that your rights to your child will be legal, please call us.

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