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Liquidation of foreign company's representative office in Ukraine

Views: 1544

Our company provides services not only on opening of foreign representative offices in Ukraine, but also on their maintenance and liquidation, if necessary.

Basically, liquidation of representative office of the foreign company is the long process consisting of many stages. We will help you to pass it simply.

Today we will answer frequent questions which we hear from our Clients concerning process of liquidation of representative office.

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How long will it take to liquidate the representative office?

Tax audit is always a standard and time consuming hurdle in the process. Its appointments can be waited for months. 

It is important to remember that if you have already applied and are waiting for an appointment, it is simply a mistake to sit and wait. It is necessary to call all the time, to remind about yourself, to be interested in passing the case. If you do not have this opportunity, we can take over this part of the work.

If the accounting of your representative office was carried out qualitatively, and all payments were made on time, then after the appointment of inspection, it can be done in 10 days. If the audit is successful, the result will be the deregistration in the tax office.

The next stage will be the deregistration in the Ministry of Economy, which considers the documents within one month.

Many people ask if it is possible to reduce the time and pass both procedures at the same time. No, you can't, because the Ministry of Economy, among other documents, requires a certificate of withdrawal from the registration in the tax office.

Then you will have to withdraw from another registration - in the Statistics Department.

On average, the liquidation procedure of a representative office in Ukraine lasts for a year and a half.

Related article:
How does the certification of documents in Ukraine proceed when opening a representative office?

Is it possible to liquidate a representative office without tax audit?

No. Even if the representative office is non-commercial, the activities were not conducted and reports were submitted, audit will still take place. It can just be pretty formal.

Can the state bodies of Ukraine refuse to liquidate a representative office of a foreign company?

In Ukraine there is no such notion as refusal to terminate activity (liquidation). But there may be a situation when due to incorrectly drawn up documents the case will simply be left without consideration. Officially you have not been refused, but the liquidation process will not begin either.

If in the course of the audit it was found that there were debts, the representative office will be given time to pay them before the end of the audit. But if such debts are not paid, the inspector will write an inspection report, in which he will indicate that the debt was found. In this case, the representative office will not be unregistered, will remain in a state of termination and may "hang" for a long time.

If you want to avoid an endless liquidation process and would prefer to liquidate a foreign company's representative office as soon as possible and safely - call us.

Views: 1544
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