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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceHow to withdraw from the membership in a Ukrainian company?

How to withdraw from the membership in a Ukrainian company?

Views: 1198

A foreigner - both a foreign company and a foreign citizen, can become a participant and even the sole founder of the company in Ukraine. We were approached by a client - a foreign company, which several years ago became a member of a Ukrainian company. With the lapse of time the position and plans of the foreign legal entity changed, and it became necessary to leave the membership in the Ukrainian company quickly, easily and safely.

Since our Client wanted to withdraw from the membership without delegating his representatives to Ukraine, he needed a representative in Ukraine, who would carry out the withdrawal from the Ukrainian company "turnkey".

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Process of withdrawal of a foreign resident from the membership in LLC in Ukraine

In the situation of our Client, the share of a foreign company in the Ukrainian LLC was 45%, which means that the exit could be carried out according to the standard procedure.

If the share of the foreign company was 50% or more, most likely the participant would have had to withdraw by selling his share in the LLC.

To ensure that our Client does not have to delegate his representatives to Ukraine, we provided a draft power of attorney for our lawyer to further conduct the exit of the participant on a turnkey basis. We also drafted the necessary documents, including the draft Minutes of the General Meeting of Participants.

After receiving power of attorney and signing necessary documents, we organized the whole procedure of withdrawal of participants from LLC in Ukraine in 2 days.

At our Client's request we also consulted him about accounting formalities of participant's withdrawal from LLC and withdrawal of his share.

The cost of withdrawal from the company in Ukraine will depend on the terms you set for yourself and the withdrawal scheme.

If you want to withdraw from the membership of the Ukrainian company, and you want to make this process safe and simple - contact our specialists. We will find the best solution for you.

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