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Buy a ready-made business in Ukraine

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Purchase of a ready-made company in Ukraine is quite a frequent phenomenon. Choosing between registering a new business or buying one, each entrepreneur makes a choice depending on the urgency and complexity of starting a business.

Buying a ready-made company solves the problem of saving time or certain procedural issues, but may bring new ones: it is important not to get involved in a story with debts, or not to get a "surprise" in the form of a revoked license or a lawsuit.

If you want to be sure that there are no problems with the purchased business - ask the professionals for a pre-sale inspection of the firm.

Company check can be superficial - which is absolutely enough for a company specially registered for sale, or more in-depth - which will definitely be needed if the company you are buying was in operation.

Important! Pre-sale audit will not be needed or can be included in the price when buying a ready-made company from us. 

What is checking a ready-made business before buying, and what does it consist of?

We offer a different set of checks for a ready-made business, which depends on your goals and the type of business you want to purchase. Here are examples of some of the types of checks that our company offers: 

Verification of the founding documents of the company.

In addition to a basic check of the company's registration in the relevant registers, we will also check all the registration activities that have ever been carried out on the company. This will enable us to see how often the list of owners of the company has changed. For example, a change of ownership less than six months before the company was sold to you is a red flag.

This applies even to the resale of shares in the LLC from one participant to another, of which you were not informed. We will trace all such "movements" through the company and analyze them for safety.

Checking for debts or other liabilities of the ready-made firm.

The first thing to check is whether the company or its owner is on the Unified Registry of Debtors. But even if the owner is not on there, he may, for example, be on the list of alimony defaulters, which will also be an obstacle to the sale of the company. 

Also, the company itself should be checked for the lack of unopened enforcement proceedings or lawsuits. 

Important: The company's debts may be not only to counterparties, but also to state authorities, such as arrears in tax payments.

Checking for licenses and permits.

If your activity in Ukraine requires a license - the purchase of a ready-made company with an existing license can significantly reduce the time required to start a business.

But buying such a company will have to make sure that such a license is not only obtained, but also valid. 

Moreover, to the company as a licensee there should not be any claims on the part of the licensing authority. We have encountered a situation where an unscrupulous seller tried to sell corporate rights to a firm that had already been assigned a licensing inspection, without notifying the buyer. As a result, at the next inspection, the license was revoked.

It is also possible to check the reputation of the company, if it has been operating on the territory of Ukraine for some time, check the company's assets, etc.

Want to be confident in the safety of buying a ready-made business in Ukraine? Contact us! We will carry out the check you need or we will offer ready-made companies registered by our company.

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