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Where to hire an accountant for your business in Ukraine?

Views: 1389

It is easy enough to open a company or a representative office in Ukraine - the procedure takes only a few days. But in order to get to grips with the issues of running a business, paying taxes, and keeping accounting, you will have to spend a lot of time. Or just hire a specialist who will set up your business instead of you.

The issue of tax reporting and proper bookkeeping at the start of your business has several nuances:

  • Is an accountant needed at all when starting a business?

  • If so, is it necessary to hire a person on the staff, or to use the services of an accountant for outsourcing?

The answers to these questions will help you decide what is right for your business. If you are still in doubt, write to us. Our experts in tax law will analyze your situation and find the best solutions for your business during a personal consultation.

What situation requires an accountant in Ukraine from the very start of business?

  • If your business explicitly requires an accountant. This applies to activities for which the law expressly provides for the presence of an accountant on the staff, such as running a pawnshop. 

  • If you plan to work with foreign contractors. A good example would be an IT-company working with foreign contractors and selling the right to use software or other fruits of intellectual labor. 

  • If you are a foreign company or a resident of another country, and in Ukraine you want to start a business, opening a firm or representative office. In this case, the presence of an accountant, even outsourced, will greatly facilitate the process of entering the Ukrainian market, and will help to avoid problems with the tax authorities.

Who to choose: an accountant on staff or accounting services outsourced?

The decision with whom it will be more convenient for you to work depends solely on you. After all, in fact, if the requirement for an accountant in the state is not mandatory for you, your main need is professionally performed accounting and personnel accounting enterprise. Can not say that a staff or outsourced accountant guaranteed more professional - it all depends solely on the specialist.

The benefits of working with an outsourced accountant are usually:

  • No sick leave - you don't have to worry about delays or late reports because of sick leave. 

  • No need to rent or expand an office for an accountant.

  • No need to provide an accountant with professional equipment or software. 

  • Lack of standard personnel (accountant) costs, such as vacation pay, insurance payments or fixed salary rates. 

What kind of accounting and legal services does our firm offer?

  • Timely completion and submission of reports to the tax authorities by our accountant;

  • Timely payment of taxes;

  • Maintenance of payroll projects of your company;

  • Transfer of funds between foreign accounts;

  • Settlements in foreign currencies with Ukrainian and foreign counterparties, etc.

Also, our company offers you the services of personnel accounting, which is mandatory for all businesses in Ukraine, who use hired labor. 

Do you need professional legal and accounting assistance in Ukraine? Please contact us! We are your legal partner on any issues in Ukraine!

Views: 1389
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