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How to get citizenship in Ukraine in 2022?

Views: 1646

Planning to move to Ukraine permanently, having obtained citizenship here, you should immediately take into account such nuances:

  • There is a list of foreign citizens who can expect to receive Ukrainian citizenship - requirements are set for them, the main of which is the existence of a basis for obtaining citizenship;

  • There is a list of categories of persons who will be denied citizenship - we will give it below;

  • The procedure of acquiring citizenship itself takes about 1-2 years, obtaining citizenship - 3-6 months;

  • The procedure of applying for citizenship is preceded by the process of obtaining an immigration permit, which has its own nuances and peculiarities.

Remember that there is always a simpler way - to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine. Yes, you will have to obtain it, but this is the solution if you want to stay in Ukraine for a long time, and the grounds for obtaining citizenship you do not. Residence permit will give you the time you need and the opportunity to understand the procedure of the situation better. 

We will tell you about how to prepare for the process of obtaining citizenship in Ukraine, and what requirements must be met in order to obtain citizenship.

If you want to get recommendations regarding your specific situation, please contact us for professional advice.

Related article: How to buy an apartment for a foreigner in Ukraine?

How to prepare documents for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the correctness of all passport data in Ukrainian and English. Your surname, name, date of birth, passport number, residence address must be indicated equally in all documents that are submitted.

The second is the availability of originals and copies of all documents. Also, all documents issued by authorized bodies must be signed and stamped by the person in charge. If the document is issued by a foreign authority, it must be apostilled/legalized with translation into Ukrainian language.

One important aspect of the process is whether a person has a real address of residence in Ukraine. Such Ukrainian authorities as the Police and the Security Service of Ukraine can check the address indicated when submitting documents.

Related article: Can a foreigner buy land in Ukraine? Land market news in Ukraine

What requirements must be met in order to obtain citizenship in Ukraine?

Citizenship of Ukraine can be obtained in two ways: acquisition of citizenship and "acceptance of citizenship" if appropriate conditions are met.

Requirements for admission to Ukrainian citizenship:

  • Recognize and comply with the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine;

  • To submit the declaration on absence of foreign citizenship (for stateless persons) or the obligation to terminate foreign citizenship (for foreigners);

  • To reside permanently and legally in Ukraine for the last 5 years;

  • Receive permission to immigrate;

  • Have and confirm legal sources of livelihood;

  • Have knowledge of the state language of Ukraine at a certain level.To confirm knowledge of the Ukrainian language it is necessary to enroll in a queue and take the exam at the appropriate centers. 

In addition to these requirements, you need to ensure that you have sufficient financial security. This can be a salary, profit from a business or property, pension, scholarship, alimony, your own financial savings or financial help from family members, etc. 

You need to confirm that you meet these requirements with certain documents. The complete list will depend on your situation. 

Can citizenship be denied or revoked?

Cases in which citizenship may be revoked or denied are, for example:

  • The indicated residence address of the person is not valid, or is the address of mass registration;

  • Submitted documents, certificates are invalid, fake or improperly certified (missing stamps, apostille / legalization, translation, etc.);

  • Kinship between a foreigner and a citizen of Ukraine is not real, fictitious or has no clear confirmation;

  • The person has committed a crime against humanity or committed genocide;

  • The person is convicted in Ukraine for a grave or particularly grave crime (until the conviction is cleared or expunged), taking into account the level of threat to the national security of the State;

  • The person has committed on the territory of another state an act that is recognized as a grave or especially grave crime under the legislation of Ukraine.

Ukrainian citizenship registration is a long and complicated process. Do not risk your time and money - turn to professionals for help.

Views: 1646