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How to buy a ready-made financial company in Ukraine?

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Our company provides both the services of registering financial companies, registering them as financial institutions and obtaining the required license in accordance with a certain type of activity, and immediately offer a financial company ready for purchase and commissioning. 

For foreign investors wishing to start a profitable business in Ukraine, such a solution can save time and provide an opportunity to start activities as soon as possible. 

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Buying a ready-made financial company in Ukraine

A financial institution (company) is a legal entity that is registered and has obtained all the necessary statutory permits to provide one or more types of financial services in Ukraine.

What is the advantage of buying a ready-made net financial company? 

Speaking about the advantages of a ready-made financial company, we can distinguish the following:

  • Saving time. It takes at least 2-3 months to register a company from scratch, while buying a ready-made one and re-registering for a new owner will take a few days. 
  • Alternative choice. Unlike buying a company with a certain financial license, such as a factoring, leasing or insurance license, you have the right and opportunity to choose which license you would like to obtain in the future. 

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How is the purchase of a financial company in Ukraine? 

When choosing a financial company in Ukraine, we always advise our Clients to remember that, to our great regret, there are many unscrupulous "entrepreneurs" on the market, and before entering into a contract of sale, you should check the following:

  • Whether the company is listed in the register of financial institutions at all; 
  • Whether it has any debts or accrued penalties; 
  • Has it previously operated, and if so, has it been "clean" and reported?

The companies offered for purchase by our firm are registered by our lawyers from scratch and have not been transferred to anyone. There is no activity on them, and all registration documents can be obtained and checked before purchase.

If you have looked for a financial company from another seller, but want to be 100% sure of the safety of such a transaction - we can offer services to check the company and the counterparty before buying.

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If You want to buy a ready financial company in Ukraine - contact us!

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