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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceHow to buy a firm for employment abroad in Ukraine for a foreigner?

How to buy a firm for employment abroad in Ukraine for a foreigner?

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In our previous article we talked about how to register an employment company in Ukraine.

Registering your company certainly gives you the opportunity to control the whole process from scratch. But what to do if the deadlines are tightened, there are already promising clients or you just want to start a business in Ukraine faster, without bothering with registration actions? In this case, the best solution is to buy a ready-made company in Ukraine.

Today we will talk about what problems may arise when buying a ready-made company for employment in Ukraine, and what is the procedure for a foreigner.

Related article: How can a foreign company organize outstaffing process in Ukraine?

Buying a ready-made firm in Ukraine

Acquisition of a ready-made company with a license for employment mediation is one of the options for starting such a business in Ukraine. The advantage of this option is a significant saving of time, because the license already exists. 

Re-registration of the company will require:

  • to change owners;

  • to open necessary bank accounts and electronic keys

Procedure for changing owners of the purchased company in Ukraine

Let's give an example of our Client from Germany, who decided to buy a ready-made employment company, which was in our possession.

As soon as the Client chose the firm that suited him for the price, he gave us from Germany the apostilled registration documents and a power of attorney for our lawyers. We prepared all examples of documents for him in advance, and further work proceeded without his participation.

The change of participants took place in 1 day. But with the change of the head of the company we had to wait two weeks, because the Client wanted a German citizen to become a CEO in his new company, for whom we received an identification number and a work permit.

Related article: How to register a trademark in Ukraine?

Opening of bank accounts and electronic keys for the purchased company in Ukraine

Opening a bank account and issuing electronic keys for reporting require the personal presence of the head of the company, who could fly to Ukraine only for half a day.

Our lawyers organized the whole procedure as quickly as possible, so the whole complex of work was carried out on time and successfully. We also offered to take over the accounting of the firm for the first six months of its operation.

Today we continue to provide assistance to the Client's company in terms of tax and personnel consulting.

If you want to buy a ready-made company with a license in Ukraine without problems and without a "dark history" - contact us! We register all our companies personally, and no activity is conducted on them.

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