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How much does the visa to Ukraine cost? (Consular fees)

Views: 9758

Official cost of visa to Ukraine 

Cost of Ukrainian visa is among the most important questions for foreign citizens traveing to this jurisdiction. This is why visa and immigration attorneys in Ukraine representing our firm prepared this material.

Generally foreign citizens, applying for visa to Ukraine are obligated to pay official fee (consular fees). Exemptions from paying of the official fees or other rates may be granted by agreements signed by Ukraine with other countries for nationals of such countries or persons belonging to a certain category of people e.g. children under six.

The following costs apply for provision of:

  • one-time entry visa document -  85 USD;
  • two-times entry visa document – 130 USD;
  • multi visa – 200 USD.

Regulations on visa issuance provide the possibility of expedited process of visa obtainment. Such expedition is possible on request of the foreign visa applicant and only in case when it is possible (meaning that employees of the embassy or foreign consular establishment are currently not too busy processing other applications etc.). Expedition of the process results in doubled rates of the fees provided above.

A foreign national may also face a situation when the fees exceed the regular sums. This happens when a foreign country, citizen of which applies for Ukrainian visa, also has higher fees for Ukrainian citizens and foreign affairs ministry imposes higher price for visa to Ukraine based on the reciprocity principle.

There are also other foreigners who represent a category of people who have a good reason to enter territory of Ukraine but were unable to receive the visa in advance can apply for it upon their arrival to Ukraine. Official fee for this category of applicants is about 80 USD (based on exchange rate 25 UAH to 1 USD).

Nationals of the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of El Salvador,  the Republic of Mauritius, Antigua and Barbuda, the Republic of Seychelles, Barbados visiting Ukraine with the purposes of sightseeing (tourism) are subject to payment of consular visa fee in the amount of approximately 16 USD (based on exchange rate 25 UAH to 1 USD).

Ukrainian visas are granted without payment (free of charge) for:

1)         children under six;

2)         foreign Ukrainians upon provision of confirming documents, their spouses and/or children in case when they enter Ukraine together with holders of foreign Ukrainian status;

3)         diplomatic passports holders, visiting Ukraine for official purposes;

4)         employees of foreign embassies and/or consular establishments as well as members of families of such persons;

5)         employees of international organizations (IO)/representative offices of IO in Ukrainian jurisdiction and members of families of such employees;

6)         other categories of foreign nationals.

If your visa application gets denied, the consular fee (cost of visa to Ukraine) is not subject to return.

Before applying for Ukrainian visa, citizens of many foreign countries are required to receive official invitation document under the signet of the official migration authority of Ukraine from Ukrainian citizen or a foreign national legally staying on the territory of Ukraine.

If you belong to this category of foreign nationals, our law firm can help you with obtainment of such invitation letter which is a reliable ground for visa issuance. Contact our law firm's office in Kiev to find more information about our immigration services.

Views: 9758