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New rules on issuance visa for foreigners

Views: 2701

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted new rules on issuance visa for foreigners who plan to enter Ukraine or to transit through the territory of Ukraine to other countries.

In general the procedure of getting visa demands pre-registration of visa application form via web-site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and after it foreigners must submit required documents to the diplomatic institutions of Ukraine by themselves, by authorized person or via mail.

Term of getting visa is 10 working days with opportunity to prolong to 30 days (in a case of additional examinations). If applicant wants then visa can be issued in urgent procedure (in 5 working days). At the same time some categories of foreigners can get visa in state border points of Ukraine.

The official fee for issuance visa is 65 USD dollars. The official fee for urgent procedure is doubled. At the same time these fees are unified for all types of visa. If visa is issued by state border points of Ukraine then size of official fee is 150 nontaxable minimum incomes.

From now long-term visa (D-type visa) will be issued for 90 days (previously visa had been issued for 45 days).

Invitations for foreigners won’t be issued by State Migration Service of Ukraine. Individuals make notary invitations and legal entities write invitation on their official blank for foreigners and persons without citizenship. In both cases invitations must have a list of terms, for example, surname, name, name of legal entity, place of registration, place of residence etc.

These rules of getting visa will come into force after 30 days from the moment of official publication.

Views: 2701