HomeLegal services in UkraineCharities and not-for-profit organizations in UkraineHelp with organization cooperation with volunteers, or work relationships with official stuff

Help with organization cooperation with volunteers, or work relationships with official stuff

What we do

  • Advise you on how to organize the hiring of staff for your NGO;

  • Organize a human resources service for your NGO;

  • Provide advice on taxes and mandatory payments for NGOs when hiring employees;

  • Develop labor contract templates for NGOs;

  • Advise on how to organize volunteer participation in your NGO's activities;

  • We will develop templates for volunteer agreement and other documents that are necessary when working with volunteers;

  • We will help with entering NGOs into the register of volunteer organizations;

  • We will help to organize work with foreign volunteers;

  • Help with the preparation of documents for volunteer drivers to travel abroad to receive humanitarian supplies, etc.

Help with organization of cooperation or work relationships
from 700 USD/month

Differences between volunteers and workers in NGOs

When starting a charitable organization in Ukraine, you need to take care not only of the processes of receiving and distributing charitable aid but also of how your organization will collaborate with hired staff or volunteers.

It is important to understand that employees receiving wages and volunteers are different things. Legally - these are completely different categories, and you will have to organize activities with them differently. Both categories must be properly documented, and the cooperation itself should comply with the norms prescribed by Ukrainian legislation.

What if an employee wants to volunteer?

Of course, a contracted person working for your NGO has opportunities to help as a volunteer. This is not prohibited by law, but only if the employee's working hours are already over. In such a case, we recommend that you formalize the NGO's relationship with the person both as an employee and as a volunteer through two separate contracts.


  • plus

    Experience working specifically with NGOs

    Non-profit organizations are a special category of our clients. We have helped to create more than one charitable foundation and public organization in Ukraine. We know exactly what problems you will face and, most importantly, how to solve them legally.
  • plus

    Full range of services

    Organizing work with volunteers and staff is only part of our services. We help with NGO registration, NGO accounting and personnel records, tax optimization, entry into the relevant registers, etc. We can provide you with all the answers for your activities in Ukraine. You can get all the answers for your activities in Ukraine in one place.


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Legal support for staff work in Ukraine in NGO

An employee in an NGO is subject to the same regulations and requirements as an employee in any company in the country. Employment in an NGO is subject to the same rules and conditions.

Today in Ukraine it is not obligatory to conclude an employment contract in writing, but when working for an NGO it may become an additional protection during inspections by controlling authorities. 

The basic recommended set of documents when formalizing an employee will look as follows:  

  • Employee's application for employment;

  • An order on accepting the employee for employment;

  • Employment contract between the fund and the employee;

  • Notification of the employee's acceptance of employment.

The NGO employee must be officially employed, and statutory taxes must be withheld from his/her salary. There are no benefits in this regard for non-profit organizations.

Our lawyers will not only prepare documents for you for hiring employees, but also take over the maintenance of personnel records.


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Important to know

Legal support for volunteers in Ukraine for NGO

As an NGO, you can, of course, involve volunteers in your work. In most cases, volunteering is an unpaid activity aimed at fulfilling the goals of an NGO or a specific charity or community project.

Volunteers are not official employees, and there is no need to sign an employment contract with them or pay them for their work. But you should still formalize your cooperation with them. For example, sign an agreement on volunteer activities.

Such an agreement is not a mandatory condition, but it will legally certify the amount and type of help you have received from the volunteer.

There are types of volunteer assistance when such an agreement will need to be signed, for example, when working with foreign volunteers.

By the way, this also applies to the entry of NGOs in the register of volunteer organizations - it is not a prerequisite for working with volunteers in general, but becomes mandatory if you plan to attract foreign volunteers.

But it is mandatory for an organization to be non-profit when working with volunteers.

When organizing work with volunteers, we will not only provide templates of contracts, but also tell you how to check the volunteer before cooperating with him and what requirements should meet, for example, a foreign volunteer.

Do you need legal assistance and advice for non-profit activities in Ukraine? Contact us!


Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner

Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner