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Sign the marriage contract in Ukraine in 2021

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A prenuptial agreement is your chance not only to protect your property rights, but also to discuss important financial and non-property issues in advance.

We are often approached with a request for help in drafting such a contract - after all, when concluding a prenuptial agreement cannot do without a template downloaded from the Internet. Such a contract must fully reflect your situation, to protect your interests.

Using the example of our Client from America, we will describe how a marriage contract is concluded between a foreigner and a citizen of Ukraine. 

Our Client wanted to insure his property, and having had a negative experience with the breakup, he wanted us to help him check the reliability of his future spouse. In matters of marriage and love, such caution may seem excessive, but we have come across situations where foreigners have been victims of fraud.

We provided counseling, in the course of which it became clear that the Client needed not only to draft and help conclude a contract, but also to accompany the marriage procedure.

Related article: Concluding a marriage contract when getting married in Ukraine

What do I need to know about signing a marriage contract in Ukraine?

First of all, in order to sign a contract in Ukraine, a TIN for a foreigner will be required. 

As for the aspects that must be specified in the marriage contract itself, it is important to first choose the legal regime that will guide the parties when signing the contract. In this case, the couple chose the legislation of Ukraine as the one that will be used in the conclusion of the contract, and under which possible conflicts will be resolved.

In accordance with the family code of Ukraine, the marriage contract clearly establishes its term of validity, and in addition - the terms of the special provisions. The contract itself must be concluded in writing and notarized.

A prenuptial agreement can provide not only for the division of property in a divorce, but also for important issues such as alimony, post-divorce payments, support for one of the parties, etc.

Remember - the conclusion of a prenuptial agreement will require significantly less expense than litigation for a divorce. Moreover, such a contract can prevent a conflict situation and even save you from divorce.

How do I check on my future spouse before I get married?

Such verification is indeed possible, and in a variety of ways. The most common, and the least "painful" for relationships is a check through open registries, through which you can find information about the data of citizens of our state. However, this way you can not always be sure of the bad reputation of the future companion.

Our lawyers will suggest possible ways and depth of verification from which the Client chooses the one which interests him and which can be used exactly in his situation.

However, the verification does not exclude the value or necessity of concluding a marriage contract - it is the very tool that will reliably protect the property interests of both parties in the future.

Related article: Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Ukraine on the basis of marriage: how to make it safe?

One of the great advantages of getting married in Ukraine is the possibility of obtaining a residence permit here. At the same time residence permit through marriage is easier, but is not always an option. We will analyze your situation, and find the best option to achieve your goal.

Our experts are constantly in touch with the client in the course of the case, independently organizing the necessary processes for the client to achieve its final goal comfortably.

If you also want to be sure of full protection of your rights - contact us.

Views: 1343