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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceSupported entry of foreign IT company onto Ukrainian market

Supported entry of foreign IT company onto Ukrainian market

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In September of 2013, a company that wanted to establish its representative office in Ukraine contacted our law firm. The company was specializing in the field of IT and was interested not only in market for distribution in Ukraine but also wanted to use Ukrainian specialists for fulfillment of IT projects for American and other promising markets.

The company needed to start its business activities as soon as possible since there was a contract with Ukrainian client to be signed. Also the foreign legal entity did not plan to employ foreign citizens at its representative office. One of the major criteria for functioning of Ukrainian branch office was the possibility of business activities conduction as well as use of parent company’s specialists as outsourcing.

As the result of our consultations in regard to entry of foreign company onto Ukrainian market, it was decided to register LLC with 100% share of parent company in charter capital.

Among other things, the parent company wanted to appoint a foreign citizen to the position of director of LLC in order to ensure fulfillment of corporate quality standards during first stage of branch office work in Ukraine.

Within shortest possible term, attorneys of our law firm ensured completion of all the procedures that are required by Ukrainian legislation in force to start doing business in Ukraine as well as got all the required permits. Thus, for example we provided a nominal manager and nominal legal address for the period until work permit for the foreign employee was ready.

It took us only one week to register company and another 15 days to get work permit. Later on, our firm provided accounting services at the initial stage of activities (until the company got its personal accountant).

High quality and promptness of task completion as well as affordable prices caused our client to return in October of 2014 for extension of work permit term for the foreign manager. Also they wanted to get act of pricing expertise of agreement between parent company and its Ukrainian branch.

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