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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceAssisted Polish company with registration of LLC in Ukraine

Assisted Polish company with registration of LLC in Ukraine

Views: 3778

In March of 2013 our firm received request of legal services provision from a Polish company that wanted to enter Ukrainian market. The parent company was specializing in sale of equipment and provision of different services to car owners. Originally, the company from Poland was only supplying its equipment onto Ukrainian market. However, as of the moment when business owners contacted us, they had been already considering a business project related to provision of services in Ukraine.

The client was primarily interested in consulting services regarding matters of taxation, corporate issues, and labor law. The owners did not plan to hire foreign employees, including manger. As instead it was planned to appoint Ukrainian citizen to the position.

Upon completion of advisory stage we defined the optimal corporate form of future affiliate and taxation system for it. It was decided to establish LLC in Ukraine with 75% share of parent company in charter capital. The other 25% share would belong to a foreign individual.

Also we provided detailed description of all the regulations and tax rates related to import of equipment in Ukraine.

After this the client entrusted our attorneys with completion of all registration procedures which among other things included provision of nominal address in Kiev (until it would be decided on the actual location of Ukrainian branch office) as well as registration of LLC in Ukraine within three business days. Traditionally our law firm provided accounting services at the initial stage of foreign company’s activities in Ukraine (until management of the company could find its own one).

Later on, management of the parent company decided to change legal address of the LLC in Ukraine from Kiev to one of regions of Ukraine, which from the point of view of logistics and major demand location was the most optimal one.

High quality and promptness of services provision by our lawyers, affordable prices as well as positive experience of cooperation in the past had our client to request our services again in the future.

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