Administrative litigation lawyer consultation in Ukraine
What we do
- Consultation with a lawyer and attorney on administrative law;
- Analysis of the situation and your risks;
- Analysis of current legislation and search for the optimal strategy for protecting your interests;
- A legal assistant is always in touch for advice on individual nuances of the case;
- Search and generation of evidence that the court can take into account;
- Representation of your interests in government bodies;
- Analysis of the decision you want to challenge;
- Recommendations regarding the possibility of challenging a decision not in your favor;
- Help at any stage of your situation.
The assistance of our lawyers in the field of administrative law most often concerns issues of appealing unlawful decisions of government bodies. Remember, if you believe that your rights have been violated by such a decision, you have the right to defend yourself. You can try to challenge almost every administrative decision. The most common cases in our practice are wrongful dismissal from public service, or the imposition of administrative fines. The latest practice all revolves around the relationship of business with tax authorities, because business inspections in Ukraine have resumed, as well as the issuance of tax notices and decisions. Everyone will understand the benefits of having a lawyer in such a process. This is a person with experience who knows exactly what to do, will not waste a minute of time, and will thus save it for you. We will develop a clear algorithm for your protection, based on how it works nowadays.Administrative litigation lawyer in Ukraine
Team of lawyers in different areas of law
By contacting us, you get access to lawyers - specialists in a variety of areas of law. This will help create the best possible strong defense for you in any legal matter. -
We won't leave you halfway
Taking on the task of protecting your interests, we remain your legal partner as long as you need our help.
So, you have come to the point where you need to challenge the decision of a government agency. Let’s say you weren’t given the required permit or customs didn't allow your goods through. The first thing to remember is that you have certain limited time frames to go to court. Most often, it is half a year. Of course, the sooner you get to it, the fresher the situation will be, and the more time you will have to correct the situation afterwards. But before applying, you need to properly prepare and collect evidence. A lawyer will help with this. Of course, there are exceptions to the terms, it all depends on what kind of violation occurred. Therefore, you should go to a lawyer immediately after you find out about the violation - he will immediately determine how much time you have left to prepare. Next, you will need to correctly structure your claim and determine what facts you will rely on. For example, if we are talking about challenging tax decisions, you will need to try to prove the illegality of the decision made in your favor, provide references to existing practice and regulations.Administrative litigation process in Ukraine

Important to know
Our cooperation will begin with a consultation, where we will talk about your situation and determine the initial timing and details of the plan. We will explain to you your risks and possible chances of success, after which the lawyer will engage in an in-depth analysis of the situation and the documents/information in your possession that can help in forming the evidence base. Further work will fall on the shoulders of our lawyers. We will analyze the laws and find ways to protect your interests. We'll give you fair warning of your chances right away and give you the opportunity to decide what you'll do. Sometimes, weighing the situation, we advise the best option, even if it is, say, paying some part of the fines, minimizing the total amount of possible losses. In any situation, we will always act in your interests. And with the necessary practice, we will be able to look at the situation more broadly and determine what exactly will be truly beneficial for you. Do you need the help of a lawyer in an administrative dispute? Contact us!Administrative litigation legal services in Ukraine

Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner