HomeLegal services in UkraineLitigation in UkraineLegal protection of creditors interests in Ukraine

Legal protection of creditors interests in Ukraine

What we do

  • Consultation on possible ways to protect the interests of the creditor;
  • Analysis of your situation;
  • Analysis of the contract or obligations that may have been violated;
  • Analysis of the possibility of a settlement agreement;
  • Analysis of the possibility of pre-trial settlement;
  • Developing a strategy to protect your interests;
  • Assistance in collecting evidence;
  • Assistance in bankruptcy cases for the creditor;
  • Filing a claim in court and legal support of the case in court;
  • Assistance at the stage of execution of a court decision.
Legal protection of creditors interests in Ukraine
from 500 USD

Legal protection for creditors in Ukraine

Creditor protection does not begin with the filing of a claim or negotiations with the debtor, it begins with a contract or other document that establishes the relationship between the two parties. The ideal defense strategy is to contact a lawyer at the stage of drawing up such a document. After all, your conflict will then be resolved in the same way as you provided for in the contract.

Therefore, the first step, in any case, will be to analyze such a document in order to understand exactly how you recorded your mutual obligations, what was violated, and how you intended to resolve such conflicts when you signed the agreement.

What makes things even more difficult is that you have no time to think. In addition to the mandatory limitation periods, there is also the risk that the debtor will cleverly try to avoid liability. Therefore, in parallel with the analysis, you can and should immediately begin to take actions that will ultimately allow you to get your money back from the debtor.


  • plus

    Access to lawyers in various areas of law

    In our company you will find specialists in various areas of law. This means that solving your problem can be approached comprehensively, and all possibilities for protecting the rights of creditors can be taken into account.
  • plus

    Any jurisdiction

    The situation with protecting interests becomes more complicated if the creditor and debtor are located in different countries. We will help resolve the issue in this case too.


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Creditors protection legal services in Ukraine

When trying to defend your rights, you can always go two ways:

  • Try to come to an agreement - there are several options for this, including a pre-trial procedure.

  • Take the debtor to court.

The first option has some advantages, one of which is speed. If, of course, we can reach an agreement. If you try to resolve the issue without going to court, a claim is usually sent to the debtor. And in this situation, you need to follow the letter of the law as much as possible and try to record all your movements. After all, if the conflict cannot be resolved in this way, this will become your additional evidence in court.

Moreover, filing a claim becomes the only option if, when signing an agreement or debt obligation, you for some reason forgot to specify the terms for repaying the debt. In such a situation, after 30 days from the date of filing the claim, you can proceed to the next stage - going to court.

As for litigation, this is a long process that you need to be prepared for, but you can also request compensation for other losses you have incurred, if any were due to the debtor’s breach of contract.

Important! Even the fact that you win in court is not a 100% guarantee of the return of your funds. Next comes the stage of execution of the decision, which will also be accompanied by our lawyers.


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Important to know

What to do if you and the debtor are in different countries?

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for the creditor and debtor to be in different jurisdictions. Cases of debtors traveling abroad have also become more frequent, both before and during the war. You should know that this makes the case slightly more complicated, but does not make it impossible.

Today it is quite possible to find out about the debtor’s assets abroad; moreover, the trial itself can be held in any jurisdiction, then legalizing its decision in Ukraine, and vice versa. The main thing is not to waste time.

If you are searching for the creditors protection lawyer in Ukraine - you have found it! Call us!


Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner

Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner