HomeLegal services in UkraineLitigation in UkraineRepresentation in Ukrainian arbitration courts

Representation in Ukrainian arbitration courts

What we do

  • Consultation regarding the rules and procedures;
  • Analysis of your situation within the framework of the possibility of its resolution through an arbitration court;
  • Analysis of your existing documents;
  • Assistance in the formation of the evidence base;
  • Detailed development of a strategy to protect your interests;
  • Drawing up powers of attorney and other documents to represent your interests;
  • English-language support for your case in the court;
  • Negotiations with the other party;
  • If it is impossible to resolve the conflict in arbitration court, we will protect your interests in other instances;
  • We will help you solve such technical nuances as finding a translator or a trusted notary, if needed.
Representation in Ukrainian arbitration courts
from 200 USD

Legal assistant for arbitration court in Ukraine

The category of these disputes usually includes economic ones, that is, most often when a contract is not fulfilled.

In order to have the opportunity to defend your rights in a court, you need not only to understand the procedure, but also to know how such cases occur in practice. You need to understand that there is actually no such thing as an arbitration court. It can be a bit confusing here - Ukraine has something similar, but it has another name - tretejsky court, which we will still call “arbitration”. Speaking of this matter, we also can keep in mind international arbitration, or standard business disputes. In any of the three options, we have the experience and expertise you need.

We are proud of our team of specialists, whose specialization will allow us to approach any legal issue comprehensively - if necessary, we will involve a lawyer in the fields of tax, labor, customs law and judicial practice.


  • plus

    All services in one place

    In addition to support in arbitration, you may need other legal services, which we can provide without any problems. Our team includes specialists in various fields of law, which gives us the opportunity to solve any of your problems in Ukraine.
  • plus

    English speaking support

    Our firm offers the best quality of legal support for foreigners in Ukraine. We have been working with foreigners from a variety of countries for over 15 years and we know exactly what difficulties you may encounter in local processes.


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Representation in Ukrainian arbitration courts

In most cases, if a dispute arises in a business - between its founders or two parties to a contractual relationship, you can try to resolve the conflict in arbitration. If you have provided for such a possibility in the contract, and if both parties are ready for negotiations and a similar step.

It is worth saying that an arbitration court can greatly reduce the time it takes for you to resolve a conflict, in contrast to going to a standard court.

But you need to ensure several things:

  • Try to find a common language with the other side of the conflict. Otherwise, the arbitration proceedings risk ending in nothing;

  • Find a qualified defense attorney with experience in commercial and arbitration courts;

  • Be confident in the competence of the arbitration judge - our lawyers will also help with this.


L. Sizikova, the first vise-president of the Kyiv CCI , Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry expresses its gratitude for mutually beneficial cooperation in 2012!... More information

President A. Netrebchuk, Ukrainian squash federation

Laywers of your firm did not only draft new version of charter in accordance with our requests and requirements of the amended law but also conducted examination of available charter documents...... More information

General Manager V. Abramov, PJSC "ORGREGIONPROEKT"

Upon requesting services of your law firm we received comprehensive information about representative office registration procedure, required resources and terms that helped us to assess the situation and finally reassure ourseves about the decision we made... More information

General director Skibinskiy V., Yokogawa Electric Ukraine Ltd.

Yokogawa Electric Ukraine Ltd. recommends Vladimir Gurlov and his team of lawyers as a reliable legal partner and advisor for foreign businesses in Ukraine...... More information

Important to know

Lawyer for arbitration court in Ukraine

You need to protect your interests as effectively as possible. If you are a foreigner and do not have any skills in working in the Ukrainian judicial system, just do not risk your money and time, not to mention your nerves - contact a specialist.

We will start with a consultation, as a result of which, if we advise you to go to court, and you are ready to cooperate, we will sign an agreement and become your official representatives in Ukraine.

Our lawyers will also provide you with any additional services necessary for your comfortable legal stay in Ukraine and the passage of the judicial procedure.

We will become your reliable legal partners in the depths of the Ukrainian law system.


Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner

Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner