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Concluding a marriage contract when getting married in Ukraine

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The conclusion of a marriage in Ukraine, where the parties are a citizen of Ukraine and a foreigner is not uncommon. Nowadays, creating a multinational family and living in another country is absolutely normal.

But for anyone planning to move to another country, it is important to understand what awaits him and what he can prepare for. It is a serious decision, a turning point in life, and it is up to you how secure you will enter it.

Today we will talk about how you can legally protect yourself if you are planning to marry a Ukrainian. Consider such an option as a marriage contract and its relevance in Ukraine.

Related article: Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Ukraine on the basis of marriage

Will a prenuptial agreement help protect real estate rights?

The first thing to keep in mind is that it is possible to enter into a prenuptial agreement both before and during marriage. 

So, we were approached by a married couple who had been married for several years, but came to the point where they were ready to conclude a prenuptial agreement. The family had real estate in Ukraine, as well as a certain set of corporate rights in the business in Ukraine and abroad, and they wanted to stipulate the possibilities of dividing the entire property.

The first thing you need to be aware of is that your contract should be designed just for you. It should take into account the specifics of your relationship, name the property and rights that you want to take care of, take into account the wishes of each party. Of course, this is not possible with a template contract. 

For example, our Clients wanted to stipulate the possible division of corporate rights to their joint business, to stipulate the order of use and ownership of the existing real estate. Another important point was that the prenuptial agreement had to be written taking into account the legal requirements of the countries where the business and real estate were located.

To optimize the process, we drew up a bilingual marriage contract. Then our task was to notarize the marriage contract. The procedure was completed by attesting the apostille, which in the future will facilitate the procedure of recognizing the legal force of this agreement. 

You want to get married in Ukraine and want to sign a marriage contract? Please contact us! We will not only organize the whole procedure for you, but if necessary we will help you further with the legalization of stay in Ukraine on the basis of marriage.

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