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Legal audit of investments in Ukraine by examples

Views: 641

When planning an investment in Ukraine, any entrepreneur wants to make sure that such an investment will be safe for him in all respects. The second point in importance, after safety, is the simplicity of the legal registration of the investment.

Our company offers an investment audit - multi-level verification of the future investment of the entrepreneur, which will help not only immediately calculate all the possible risks, but also pave the way to the investment.

Today we will tell you how it works in practice and what you, as a businessman, will get from the legal audit, using examples.

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Legal audit protects from ill-considered investments

We were approached by a client who was planning to invest in the construction of a chain of stores in Ukraine. He was offered to sign an investment agreement under which he would finance the construction of a certain number of outlets, with the right to receive dividends from their work afterwards, according to a certain scheme.

We considered both the investment agreement that the client was offered to sign and all accompanying documents, including all that confirmed the ownership of the network, the company, etc.

It turned out that the actual owner of the business was a person not specified in the contract and not a party to it. Thus, our Client could become a victim of a very unpleasant scheme and lose a large sum of money. Based on the results of the audit, the investor decided not to invest in this project.

We always give priority to our Clients' interests and will not recommend doubtful projects.

Related article: In what form to register a business in Ukraine?

Reliable investment in a startup in Ukraine

Investing in a startup is a separate kind of investment, with its own risks and advantages. Most often the risks are higher, but the possibility of making money if the startup "takes off" is also high. A balance must be found between the desire to invest in and support a promising startup, and your own legal security.

In the situation of investing, for example, in the development of mobile or computer programs, we are looking for a legal way to conclude an agreement with the founders of the project with safeguards and means of securing the interests of the investor.

If you want the opportunity to make money in the large and actively developing market of Ukraine - contact us. We will provide you with the main thing in such a process - safety and simplicity.

Views: 641