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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceHow to create a business in Ukraine if there are several owners? How to fix relations in the company?

How to create a business in Ukraine if there are several owners? How to fix relations in the company?

Views: 660

Ukraine is a large and profitable market for investment. It used to be one before the war and will become one after the war. That is why even today clients come to us for help in registering all kinds of projects. Slightly more complicated are those where the owner is not one but several. It may be a group of entrepreneurs from Ukraine or from abroad. The status of foreign participants may require additional attention and fixation.

We will tell you how to approach the question of registering a business in Ukraine if some of the owners are non-residents, and also how to correctly fix the rights and interests of all owners. If you do not want to deal with complicated legal issues - you can directly apply to our specialists for their solution.

Related article: What taxes will I pay in Ukraine when starting a business?

What questions need to be answered right away, before registering a business?

  • How will the business be financed? This includes the question of the formation of share capital, and preliminary planning regarding possible financial injections into the business. All of this needs to be discussed at the start, and set out in the constitutional documents.

  • What should be done if conflicts or disputes arise? First of all, it is necessary to discuss and determine the way in which any disputes will be resolved and what to do, for example, if the participants have an unequal number of shares. Moreover, it is possible to choose different ways of resolving disputes for different categories of issues. 

  • What powers will the director of the company have? Often the foreign participant himself acts as a director, but it is far from obligatory. The director may receive a different scope of powers and responsibilities - it is up to you to determine what it will be.

  • A burning question that needs to be fixed before registering the business - how will the income of the company be distributed? 

Our specialists will help with all this, based on the norms of Ukrainian legislation and the practice of business registration in Ukraine.

Related article: Order a legal business plan for activities in Ukraine: what will it give, and what will go into the plan?

How to specify the relationship of business participants?

The first thing that comes to mind is the Articles of Incorporation, but this is not the only legal tool that owners can use. In addition to the Articles of Association, a shareholders' agreement, a corporate agreement, a description of the main conditions, an investment agreement, etc. can also be used.

Often we offer a combination: the corporate agreement and the Articles of Incorporation developed on its basis.

The choice of instruments will depend on how many partners are planning to take part in the project, how they agree with each other, and what kind of relationship they have. 

Our company will help you to find the best solution and bring it to life.

Prices here.

Views: 660