HomeLegal services in UkraineObtainment of licenses in Ukraine

Obtainment of licenses in Ukraine

Legal service for licensing in Ukraine

Many types of activities in Ukraine require a license. This is not because the government wants to make your life as a businessman more difficult, but because these types of activities usually come with some level of danger or additional responsibility. The simplest examples in this situation would be a medical license or a construction license.

The very fact of the need to obtain such permission means that everyone must meet a number of standard requirements. In some places these requirements are more stringent, in others, for example, when selling vapes, they are extremely conditional. But they exist, and to obtain a license they need not only to comply, but also to know how to demonstrate this in documents.

It often turns out that the regulatory legal act specifies only requirements, but when submitting an application to the responsible body, you are asked for additional documents, information, or are left without a license due to some recently adopted changes. It gets ridiculous - the application form could have changed the day before, and you would be denied a permission. In some cases, you can simply re-file, but in others, you will lose money or even the opportunity to re-submit documents for some time.

All this is said by us in order to prepare your patience and nerves if you plan to deal with the process yourself.

Or you can choose a simple option - entrust this work to lawyers who know exactly what to do and have received not dozens - hundreds of licenses.

What we do

Obtainment of licenses in Ukraine

Our company has made the process of obtaining a variety of licenses one of its main areas of work more than 10 years ago. Since then we:

  • Received more than 1000 licenses in a variety of fields of activity;

  • We were the first to master the procedures and receive new types of licenses in Ukraine, both for the sale of electricity;

  • Obtained “complex” licenses for our Clients, for example, for import or educational activities;

  • We have developed simple roadmaps for our clients to make it easier to obtain medical, security, construction and other licenses.

In addition, we have registered a number of companies for which we have previously obtained the necessary permits in various fields of activity. This means that if the time to start a business plays a key role for you, we can offer you a ready-made company with the required license.

Licensing assistant Ukraine

Our cooperation with you will begin with a simple consultation. We will tell you about the process that awaits you and find out about all the aspects that may hinder or help you in obtaining the necessary permits.

Next, we will analyze the information available and the state of your preparation. We will tell you what can be corrected and how to fully comply with the requirements of the law. If necessary, we will help with missing documents.

We will take care of the entire subsequent procedure; you just need to relax and wait.

It is imperative to comply with all requirements not only before, but also after obtaining a license. For example. Pay the fee for its registration on time and enter information about the changes that have occurred. We will provide you with short recommendations on how to maintain your license for the duration of its validity.

If you need to get legal advice on how to obtain licenses in Ukraine - just contact us! You will be able to start your work in the shortest amount of time possible!

Contact us
Appreciation letters of our Clients
General director Skibinskiy V., Yokogawa Electric Ukraine Ltd.
Yokogawa Electric Ukraine Ltd. recommends Vladimir Gurlov and his team of lawyers as a reliable legal partner and advisor for foreign businesses in Ukraine...
L. Sizikova, the first vise-president of the Kyiv CCI , Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry expresses its gratitude for mutually beneficial cooperation in 2012!
General Manager V. Abramov, PJSC "ORGREGIONPROEKT"
Upon requesting services of your law firm we received comprehensive information about representative office registration procedure, required resources and terms that helped us to assess the situation and finally reassure ourseves about the decision we made
All appreciation letters