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HomePublicationsRepresentative experienceI sold an apartment in Ukraine: how can I withdraw money to my foreign account?

I sold an apartment in Ukraine: how can I withdraw money to my foreign account?

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When deciding to sell real estate in Ukraine, you should think in advance not only about your actions regarding the choice of a buyer and the conclusion of the contract, but also what you will do with the proceeds - leave it in your Ukrainian accounts, or, more likely, will try to withdraw to your foreign bank account?

If you are planning the second option, you should be prepared for such a transaction to be checked by a Ukrainian bank. How, why, and what this means for you personally - in this text.

Related article: What taxes will I have to pay when buying an apartment in Ukraine?

Rules of money transfer when selling real estate in Ukraine by a foreigner

The first thing you should always remember is that the payment for the property is made only in hryvnia, and only through a bank account. Otherwise you have virtually no chance to safely withdraw money abroad. 

The first step in preparing to sell real estate and take the money abroad will be opening a current (investment) account for a non-resident in a Ukrainian bank

In the process of opening an account there will be financial monitoring of the client - first of all his identification and verification. 

To do this, you will have to be personally present at the bank branch at the opening of the account.

Standardly the following information is required (if it is a person):

  • surname, first name, patronymic (if any) and date of birth; 

  • number and series of the document (passport), which proves the identity of the client; 

  • citizenship; 

  • information on the place of residence or place of temporary stay of the client in Ukraine.

Identification and verification is important because it will give you a risk level for financial transactions and business relationships. If it is low, then all checks will be simplified.

Important: The risk level may be affected by:

  • the foreigner's country of residence or stay;

  • the geographic location of the financial institution through which he or she transfers or receives funds.

But this is only the first stage. Further will follow financial monitoring during the procedure of transferring funds from a Ukrainian account to a foreign one.

Related article: How to transfer money to Ukraine for the purchase of real estate?

Financial monitoring rules when transferring funds to a foreign account from Ukraine

During financial monitoring the bank can, and most likely will, request additional documents or information from you. For example:

  • information about accrued wages; 

  • documents on the income received from the sale of products, services provided; 

  • documents on income from the sale of property; 

  • documents on income from inheritance, etc. 

But most often this is information about how the funds for the purchase of the object of sale (investment) were originally introduced into Ukraine.

Ideally, you should have a copy of the tax return on income with a stamp on receipt of the control body of a foreign country.

Of course you should have bought an apartment in Ukraine through an investment account, which is easier to trace. And what if you bought the apartment in some other way? What to do?

You need to analyze the situation in which you bought the apartment. For example, whether you had at that time the status of a resident, say, a residence permit in Ukraine. If so, you could do it without an investment account. But when withdrawing funds, the investment account will already need 100%.

It will be necessary to collect all the documents that can play as proof of the legitimate input of money and the purchase of the apartment. This will speed up the financial monitoring procedure. It is also worth presenting a certificate from the tax office or a declaration of income from your country for the last 3 years. And also a certificate of sending currency transfers.

Why bother with financial monitoring at all? What is the risk of failing such an audit?

Well, at the very least - stopping financial transactions or freezing client's assets without prior notice. 

If you do not want to risk your funds - contact us. We will find the most convenient and safe way to withdraw funds from the sale of real estate in Ukraine to your account.

Check our services here.

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