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HomePublicationsLegislation newsNew rules on activity of employment agencies in foreign countries

New rules on activity of employment agencies in foreign countries

Views: 5182

The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine has proposed publicity to discuss a new project of License regulations on activity of employment agencies in foreign countries.

According to this project it will be harder to get a license for employment agencies in foreign countries. There is a proposition to put new requirements for licensees who want to get a license. For example, a licensee must have not only his own or rented uninhabited premises but also he must have required equipment, communication tools etc. We can say that during the procedure of getting a license entrepreneurs use their own money and always try to avoid big exes because they hadn’t sold anything yet. It is not clear why this requirement must be applied to licensees. We also don’t understand how equipment and communication tools can influence the safety of workers who work abroad.

Creation of an agency’s web-site is also one of additional requirements which will influence the opportunity to get a license. There is also a contradiction because we can understand how an agency should advertise its activity without required license. In our mind, licensees will spend their money, waste their time and break the law at the same time.

Another requirement is a hire at least one specialist with higher law education. It means that licensees will pay him not only salary but also taxes to the state. However it is not clear what exactly this specialist should do until getting a license.

We suppose that adoption of these new Regulations will increase corruption in this sphere. It is not a secret that a lot of entrepreneurs work without licenses as a procedure of issuance this document is too contradictory or even illegal. There will be much more entrepreneurs without licenses if new Regulations will be adopted. It will lead to decreasing a governmental control in this sphere and rights of citizens who work abroad won’t be defeated in any way.

We believe that requirements for licensees have to be diminished. That’s how all participants can provide their activity legally. Requirements should be directed to defeat interests of Ukrainian citizens as much as it possible.

Views: 5182