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What should a website for online casinos in Ukraine look like?

Views: 1231

Despite the recent legalization of casinos and gambling establishments, as a kind of activity in Ukraine, online casinos have been functioning in our country for quite a long time. Of course, before legalization and without obtaining a license, such activities are illegal.

Today we will consider whether it is possible to bring such an "illegal" casino online "out of the shadows" and whether it will be possible to use the old, already familiar to many customers site.

Where do I start to register a casino in Ukraine?

Opening an online casino is a multi-stage and financially-costly process. 

Speaking about multistage, we mean that before starting a casino, the following preparatory work will have to be done: 

  • Drafting and publishing gambling rules on your online casino platform;

  • Obtaining certificates for your online platform;

  • Compliance with a number of technical conditions, such as the ability to ensure fair play and secure processing of personal data;

  • Obtaining a bank guarantee from the State Bank of Ukraine or another acceptable bank;

  • Obtaining the gaming license itself; 

  • Pre-registration of your trademark, which will give the opportunity to register domain .ua.

During the initial consultation our lawyers will make for you all the algorithm of actions, based on what kind of casino or gambling business you want to open in Ukraine, guided by the norms of law in Ukraine and our practice. Today we will dwell a little bit more on the question of obtaining the domain .ua, and the registration of the trademark necessary for this. 

Related article:
How to open an online casino in Ukraine?

How to register a site for online casinos in Ukraine?

One of the main requirements for the future owner of an online casino is to have a website. We are not talking about the technical difficulties in the development and creation of the site, but the fact that this site must have a domain .ua, which is possible only if you have a trademark.  

The first thing to think about when you want to become the owner of an online gambling business is to get a trademark. After all, in practice the registration of a trademark takes a considerable amount of time. If previously it was about 10-15 months, and in the accelerated procedure - about 7-9 months, now the term of registration of a trademark in practice is from 20 months, and in the accelerated procedure from 10 months. 

The second step, after the registration of the trademark, will be the registration of the domain itself, which we can help you with. Moreover, we can provide you with the services of our experts in writing sites for the initial preparation of an online casino site that will meet the requirements of the law and the licensing authority.

Important! Domain name is chosen in exact accordance with the name / name of your trademark.

If you are thinking about opening online casino or other gambling establishment in Ukraine - call us. We will help you to determine the type of gambling license for your business and tell you about the requirements of the licensing authority.

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Views: 1231