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Find an accountant and a lawyer for a charitable organization in Ukraine

Views: 884

Registration of a charitable organization is only a small step towards a real organization of charitable activity in Ukraine. Your foundation will have access to funds - donations, which will need to be managed correctly in order to:

  • fulfill goals and missions set for the foundation;

  • not to lose this non-profit status, which allows you to lead non-profit charitable activities in Ukraine.

When you are just starting out with charitable projects in Ukraine, you have two options: 

  • Look for an accountant and a lawyer on staff who can keep track of the foundation's activities and take responsibility for the fidelity and legality of the activities;

  • To find both specialists for outsourcing, or to entrust the work to a professional outsourcing team.

The second option can even save you money, and most importantly - time, and greatly facilitate the work of the foundation since its registration. That is the option we offer you.

If over time you would like to find an accountant, we will carefully transfer the accounting to him and give advice on charitable activities in Ukraine.

Related article: I registered a charitable foundation in Ukraine - what next? How to work with charitable help?

The main problems faced by the charitable organization

Maintaining records of expenditures and crediting of the fund.

Your charitable foundation will receive funds into its accounts, both monetary and non-monetary, such as humanitarian aid. Read here what kind of income a foundation can have. 

It is important not only to keep proper records of income, but also to remember that you can only spend the received funds for the purposes of the foundation, which are specified in the statutory documents.

It is true that the foundation has purely technical expenditures, such as staff salaries, office rent, etc. Expenditures on such things are allowed, and will not lead to a loss of non-profit status, but under several conditions:

  • such spending cannot be more than 20% of the fund's total expenses;

  • such expenditures cannot be made from funds raised for a particular project.

Organize work with volunteers and foundation staff.

The most important rule is that volunteers and charity employees are not the same thing. All employees must be officially employed, and their labor must be paid.

As for volunteers, they should be clearly identified as volunteers, and can work on an unpaid basis, or their payment is included in the costs of covering the foundation's goals for individual projects.

Important! If you are going to invite foreign volunteers (many of them are ready to come to Ukraine today and offer their help), your charitable organization has to be entered in a special register. This is an additional service we offer our clients for registering charitable foundations in Ukraine.

The salaries of employees, for example, the same accountant, will be subject to all applicable taxes, which must also be taken into account in the economy of the fund. Not only the tax office will check you regarding the distribution of the fund, but also the State Labour Inspectorate.

Related article: What taxes does a charitable foundation pay in Ukraine?

What does our team of accountants and lawyers do?

The most obvious advantage of our company is that turning to us you will get any service you need to start and develop your charitable process in Ukraine. We will start with the registration of a charitable foundation for you, provide all the necessary consultations, and most importantly - we will provide a subscription service by a team of lawyer + accountant.

The cost of service depends on the specific scope of services you need.

We will take care of the safety and efficiency of your foundation.

Call the phone number listed in the header or on the contact page.

Views: 884