Get tax identification number in Ukraine
What we do
- We will tell you about the procedure and how it will go for you;
- We independently prepare all the documents and make translations — you only need your passport and personal data for the tax identification number in Ukraine;
- Organize the entire process remotely;
- Prepare a draft power of attorney and tell you how to draw it up;
- Submit the documents to the tax office and wait for the tax identification number to be issued;
- Advise you on your main goals and plans in Ukraine;
- Help you make your desire, for which the tax identification number was issued, come true.
You are almost guaranteed to encounter a requirement to provide a TIN in Ukraine if your plans for the country include something more than just a tourist visit. All actions that involve your identification in Ukraine will require such a document. Starting from opening a bank account and concluding virtually any agreement. The procedure itself is very simple; you don’t even need an impressive list of documents. But our foreign clients still prefer to get an individual taxpayer identification number with us. The reason is simple - to obtain a TIN number in Ukraine, you will have to spend time at the Ukrainian tax office, which, on the one hand, requires knowledge of the Ukrainian language, and on the other, incredible patience. Everything becomes much easier with an established procedure and organization of work through lawyers and their assistants. For our clients, this saves time and nerves. Of course, we ourselves will organize the translation of the passport into Ukrainian. TIN – is a special unique number which is assigned to every citizen of Ukraine and foreigner if he plans to perform certain actions in Ukraine. This is the code that you will need for almost any actions related to large monetary investments or where you will act as a taxpayer.Tax identification number in Ukraine
What Is a TIN?
You can get a tax identification number in Ukraine in three working days. And with us – even remotely.
TIN remotely
We organize the entire procedure in such a way that you do not have to come to Ukraine just to obtain an individual taxpayer code. This way you will save time on further procedures. -
All services in one place
Registration of a tax individual code is usually just the tip of the iceberg. This document is required for many procedures in Ukraine, including the purchase of real estate or marriage registration. We will not only help you obtain a TIN, but we will also organize for you the procedure for which you are applying for it.
You are almost guaranteed to encounter a requirement to provide a TIN in Ukraine if your plans for the country include something more than just a tourist visit. All actions that involve your identification in Ukraine will require such a document. Starting from opening a bank account and concluding virtually any agreement. The procedure itself is very simple; you don’t even need an impressive list of documents. But our foreign clients still prefer to get an individual taxpayer identification number with us. The reason is simple - to obtain a TIN number in Ukraine, you will have to spend time at the Ukrainian tax office, which, on the one hand, requires knowledge of the Ukrainian language, and on the other, incredible patience. Everything becomes much easier with an established procedure and organization of work through lawyers and their assistants. For our clients, this saves time and nerves. Of course, we ourselves will organize the translation of the passport into Ukrainian. TIN – is a special unique number which is assigned to every citizen of Ukraine and foreigner if he plans to perform certain actions in Ukraine. This is the code that you will need for almost any actions related to large monetary investments or where you will act as a taxpayer.Tax identification number in Ukraine
What Is a TIN?

Important to know
If you cross the border of Ukraine, it does not mean that you are obliged to obtain a tax identification number in Ukraine. You can easily stay in the territory, for example, as a tourist and then go back. But it will become necessary if: You can get a TIN in Ukraine in only one place - at the tax office. Each region has a regional tax service department, some even have several, where you can apply to get the document. We choose those offices with which we have extensive experience and know that we can guarantee you the speed of registration. On average – 5 days. We can get a tax identification number in 3 days.Why Is It Necessary to Get a Tax Identification Number in Ukraine?
So, if your interests in Ukraine go beyond tourism, you will have to think about how to get a tax identification number.Where Can a Foreigner Apply for a Tax Identification Number?
How Long Does It Take To Get a Tin Number?
Procedure for Registering Tax Identification Number
Obtaining a TIN in Ukraine. You will need to pick up the finished document there, after waiting in line. Our lawyers will do this for you.

Volodymyr Gurlov, Managing partner
Working with us, you will know exactly how to get a TIN number for you and understand what stage you are at. Having agreed on receiving the tax identification number, we will sign an agreement with you and prepare a power of attorney. Then, in the shortest possible time, you will receive the document you need. That is why we will talk with you about your plans in Ukraine in general and help you create a correct, effective and profitable plan for you.TIN number for foreigners in Ukraine
Do you need the help of a lawyer to get a tax identification number in Ukraine? Contact us!