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How to extend the stay in Ukraine for a foreigner during the war?

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Due to the military actions on the territory of Ukraine and Russia's aggression, many state agencies and procedures have suspended their work. Moreover, it is not known when normal functioning of such bodies will begin again, because military actions on the territory of the country continue.

One of the bodies that have suspended their work is the State Migration Service. Due to this, foreigners who reside in Ukraine temporarily or permanently, and whose residence permits are just about to expire, find themselves in a state of limbo.

What should one do if the deadline expires? Will they have to leave the territory of Ukraine? Or stay here, but risk getting in trouble with the migration service?

Related article: Getting temporary residence permit if your relatives live in Ukraine

Tip #1: Check your documents

  1. Do you have a temporary residence permit in Ukraine? Turn over your document and check the validity of the document on the front side of the form.

  2. Do you have a Permanent Residence Permit? Remember that it must be exchanged if you are 25 or 45 years old, or if you have changed your information;

  3. Do you have a visa in Ukraine? On the visa label there is an expiration date - check it;

  4. You entered without a visa due to the visa-free regime between our countries? In that case you have 90 days during the last 180 days to stay in Ukraine. How many of them have you been here so far?

Tip #2. During martial law, penalties for overstaying do not apply to foreigners.

Today, due to the suspension of the migration service, you can present to the migration service a document that has expired or that you have not had time to renew in accordance with current legislation. 

This means that you have the right to present an expired identity document when your documents are checked, for example, when passing through transport, at roadblocks, etc. 

It is true that this means that you will need to apply for an extension of your residence permit as soon as martial law is lifted. By delaying applying, you risk losing your residence permit and having to start the whole procedure all over again. 

Our lawyers will study your particular situation in detail, prepare the necessary package of documents, and help you not to miss the deadline. 

Get professional advice and assistance on renewing your residence permit in Ukraine right now!

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